Chapter 8

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"That's not a name that I've heard".

"Well, then I guess you are uneducated". He chuckled. There was something about his voice that seemed off to me. He doesn't seem the slightest bit daunted by his power and doesn't have any fear of what Keith can do. Most importantly, his eyes. Their blank and have no trace of humanity in them. He's like a monster...

"What does your family do?" Keith shouted.

"That's not important..." He muttered.

"Then I don't want to hear it. If you can't tell me what kind of money your dad makes, then I don't want you to tell me what to do". He scoffed.

"Just do as I advised. You're not proving anything good if you keep this up. Have you no manners?"

"How dare you! I'll fuc—" He yelled as I attempted to slap him across the face. It only reminded me of how my new parents abused him when he first started high school. He nearly changed at all. However, the person who came here to protect us is the last person who's taking our side. All I could do now is to try to calm Keith down.

"Asher!" Keith exclaimed as Asher grabbed onto his hand.

"Don't waste your time with him. He's not of worth". Asher scowled as he glouted at Shawn's presence. 

"You know, I never thought that you'd ever step into these grounds ever again". 

"Someone had to stand up for him".

"Yeah Keith, you know better. Let's just go". I sighed as I placed my hand on his shoulder. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" I shouted as we rode our car in the backseat, all the way home.

"Nothing is wrong with me! That wasn't supposed to happen". He snapped back.

"I told you to not screw anything up!"

"No shit! Do you think I wanted to? I'm just as mad as you are!" He sighed as he grabbed a sprite from the mini-fridge. 

"You didn't have to provoke the teacher just because you didn't want to that exercise".

"I hate exercise!" He scoffed.

"We just needed to survive this one day. Without any attention or people watching us. Then we would've been set for the rest of the school year". I sighed angrily as I got a Vodka out of the fridge. 

"Since when did you start drinking again?" 

"Since now. I'm so unbelievably stressed because of you". I said as I opened the bottle and started to chug it down. 

"You know you're underaged right?"

"You think I don't know?!" I yelled. "Don't make it seem like we are best friends because we're not".

"Yeah, we're family".

"No! I mean that I don't necessarily like you".

"I don't either now stop drinking. Al might see and he'll—"

"Al already knows. He knows everything for that matter. All about what happened at school, all about what you did to the teacher. Everything". I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Keep it down!" He whispered loudly. "He can hear you".

"I want him to hear you".

"Why do you tell him everything?!" He cried as he threw the sprite can on my head.

I sighed after letting out a chuckle." Because he gives good advice. I go to him for guidance".

"That isn't necessary. You can't navigate on your own?" He sneered.

"Whatever. Anyway, do you remember what I told you if you misbehaved?"

He paused for a second before screaming in fear. "No! Not that! Please, anything but that!"

"Let's ask Al what he thinks". I chuckled. "Al, should I give him mercy?"

"Yes, Miss Kharis. He seems to have learned his lesson".

"Okay. You're off the hook this time. But if you do that again I swear it's the—"

"Fine. I'll behave from now on". He sighed as he picked up the sprite can and threw it out the window.

"And that's on what?" I smirked as I stared intensely into his eyes. 

"That's on period". He sighed again.

"Ugh. Just don't do it again. I don't want any more attention to our name..."

I threw myself onto my bed with my blazer and bowtie off my neck. My bath was warming up and I had some soothing Lana Del Rey to unwind. I'm a huge bath lover and I just want to relax. I didn't think that school would be this hectic and chaotic. Everyone is so pathetic and they don't have a mind of their own. Mindless sheep...  

I was feeling more comfortable, simply reminiscing on the current events that have happened today. It was one hell of a day but I gathered so much intel on everyone. I know most of everyone's name and personality. The character everyone plays. Everyone's an open book if I really think about it. Their strengths, weaknesses, fears, fortunes, everything. 

Jessica North is your typical popular girl who's trying to claim the most "most handsome kid" in school. She has a lot of networks, mostly in people she can use. However, she is mortified in the fact that she could lose those connections and fading away, she's hoping that she never gets stepped on or unpopular. Keith is one troublesome kid who just wants to claim his territory. He hates to lose and hates to look dumb. Asher's predictable as well, somewhat like Keith just that he doesn't stoop to anyone's low level. But that Shawn guy, is so hard to read. His eyes are always blank and you don't see any small movements, hesitations, or even an ounce of life in his eyes. He is definitely more mature than anyone in this class. To think that he is only in senior year!

"Kharis?! How long are you going to be in the shower? It's getting late!" Keith yelled from his room from across the hall. 

"Shit! My bath!" I yelped as I quickly ran to my bathroom, only to slip and fall on my head, my uniform was wet and I didn't have another one. 

"My floors!" I shrieked. "Keith, get over here!" 

"Goodness, what is it?!" He snapped as he was drying his hair with his towel. "Look at the pipe! It's destroyed!"

"Al! Call a plumber! Someone in this area so he can come fast!" I shouted.

"Yes, Miss Kharis. I have someone on the phone". He said at the door of my room, holding out the phone we use to call people. 

"Great! Pass the phone! Quickly!"

"Hello?" I said on the phone, only to hear someone I thought that I'd never heard. At least when I'm not in the calmest state of mind. My mind was all over the place and I had a massive headache. 

"Is this a plumber?"

"Who's asking?" He said coldly and bluntly.



"Mary Dawn! That's my name!"





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