Chapter 2

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"Hi, I'm Jessica North! I'm going to show you around!" She exclaimed as she waved both of her hands excessively. I didn't want her to see my frustration and anger so I tried my best to act like a happy, rich, and popular pretty girl. 

"Your in trouble now..." Keith muttered. Not knowing what to say, I stepped on his foot and continued to just stare at Jessica's knock-off expensive brands. How disgusting.

"Pardon?" Jessica smiled.

"Nothing. Hello...North". I scowled. She scowled back to me and greeted herself extra pretty-girl like to my brother Keith. She obviously likes him, judging by the horrendous amount of eye contact, how close she was to Keith, and hair twirling she was doing. Keith on the other hand, was just standing there taking it all. I am so going to tease him about this if he really goes out with Jessica North. 

"Do you know him?" Jessica giggled as she maintained her eye contact with my brother. "I mean, you both came from the same car". 

"He's my friend". I glared. "We're neighbors so we carpool together. Better for the environment". 

"Oh...!" She stuttered. She was obviously deflated by the fact that Keith Klien had friends who were girls. Not girlfriends, normal friends who happen to be girls. Although I'm his sister who loves with him, I think that Jessica North will lose her top if she ever heard that Selene Grant lives with Keith Klien. 

"Anyway, I'm going to show you where your classes are and the memorable parts of our school that lead up to it!" She exclaimed. "Any questions before we begin?"

"No. That'll be all...North". I smirked cockily.

"And can you please stop calling me North? The name is Jessica!" She blurted out. All me and Keith did was smirk, cackling in our brains.

"Shall we go then?" Keith asked to break the ice. 

"Right..." She sighed angrily. 


"So here is your locker Kharis! And here is Keith's". She pointed out. Our lockers were across from each other and mine was at the end that's right next to some classroom. There were two lockers in particular that were shiny and gold instead of these basic and metal ones. They looked extremely high class and looked gorgeous. I was a little bit jealous of those who had those lockers. Just a little. I could buy a whole factory of those lockers if I wanted one. Not to mention the size of these lockers. Why wouldn't we get the biggest and fanciest ones. Me and Keith are probably the richest in the school so why wouldn't we get these lockers? There is no way I'm having a locker that's not next to my brother.This is bad! Are they trying to seperate the only person I trust in this world. This in unacceptable!

"North!" I called out, transfering from my toxic thought bubble.

"Stop calling me North!" Jessica yelled. 

"Anyway, I want my Keith and I to have these two big lockers". I ordered, maintaining evil-like eye contact. 

"Sorry, you can't have those lockers". She smirked.

"Why not?!" I scowled.

"Those lockers belong to Asher and I. You can't take them". 

Asher...? Where did I hear that name from? Is he rich?

"What? Did you pay for those lockers yourself? In your condition?" I bluffed. She looked at me flushed and embarrassed before she boiled in anger and rage.

"If that's the case, then here". I smirked as I handed her 100,000 US Dollars. All in a cash packet. Her eyes lit up as I handed her the money and Keith started cackling. She froze in her tracks as her hands subconsciously reached out. Heh. That's right. You didn't even buy them yourselves. 

"Imagine all the luxuries you can buy with that money". Keith walked over as she whispered into Jessica's ear. She turned towards Keith all flushed as Keith handed her the same amount I gave her. 

"So can Selene and I buy these lockers from you?" Keith smirked.

"No!" Someone said as Keith and I yet to learn. 

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