My Gear and your Gown ~ Episode 1-3

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Episode 1

Me like : "Benjamin Brasier, is that you ?"

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Me like : "Benjamin Brasier, is that you ?"

Episode 2

Why is Itt suddenly all smiley and nice to Pai literally from one day to the other ?

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Why is Itt suddenly all smiley and nice to Pai literally from one day to the other ?

I don't even what their clubs are about. All they're doing is literally the same as what I did during break hours between classes, and we didn't have any clubs.

 All they're doing is literally the same as what I did during break hours between classes, and we didn't have any clubs

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Sad backstory with the ill parent : Check

Sad backstory with the ill parent : Check

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Episode 3

He just said that everything was normal, why do you ask if there are any complications ? Besides, he's a doctor, I would assume that he would say so if they was anything

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He just said that everything was normal, why do you ask if there are any complications ? Besides, he's a doctor, I would assume that he would say so if they was anything. Show of.

Poor mom must be bored, they could have at least given her a book or, idk, some knitting at least !

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Poor mom must be bored, they could have at least given her a book or, idk, some knitting at least !

Poor mom must be bored, they could have at least given her a book or, idk, some knitting at least !

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Mmh, this is suspicious. Are you sure it's your mom who wants that ?

 Are you sure it's your mom who wants that ?

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This is so frustrating. I ship JJ and Fiat so much but know that they won't end up as a couple in there.

I am Frustration.

Crazy how some actors manage to play in fifteen BL series without getting into a single homosexual relationship.

Crazy how some actors manage to play in fifteen BL series without getting into a single homosexual relationship

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Girl, sorry to break it up to you, but it's a BL. He's definitely gay.

And also, gang of groupies : Check.

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