Chapter 1: Mysterious Skaterboy

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READ THIS FIRST* Hey guys it's me the author of this. Before the chapter starts I wanted to tell you something to make your reading experience better. I would recommend downloading this free extension that lets you put your name instead on Y/N. It's called "interactive fics". It is only an extension for computers so if you're reading this on your phone I'm sorry. BTW I'm also working on a Nb reader x Miya version of this book which I'm currently working on.


The glistening lights of Okinawa gleamed through the plane window right into y/n's eyes. She stared out the window and down on Tokyo as if this was her first time ever seeing it. The rushing cars, towering buildings, everything felt so different.

It was her first time going back to Japan after 6 months away, and she couldn't wait to get away from America. Y/n had a pretty good life back in New York, however being able to get out of the public's eye for a while was a blessing. She would finally be able to go a day without someone recognizing her.

"Um excuse me Miss," Someone interrupted "We will be landing soon, I recommend you put on your seat belt." Y/n looked up only to find a flight attendant standing over her giving her a weird look.

"Oh um yeah of course." y/n replied, wtf was that look for? Y/n stared back up with a more displeasing look. This made the flight attendant shuffle away without another word

"I mean yeah I get it I look really young to be traveling alone but you don't have to be rude" Y/n thought. She rolled her eyes and continued to gaze out the tinted window.


After the plane landed y/n grabbed her bag, and went to go grab her other bags on the baggage carousel. She normally wouldn't pack this much, however she didn't know when she would be going back to her moms house in New York so she would have to pack for more than her normal six month stay.

Right before y/n could grab her last suitcase she saw another hand snatch the bag of the carousel.

"What the fuc-" she started, but when she whipped her head around she saw her father. She immediately stopped talking.

"What?" He questioned raising an eyebrow. She didn't realize that it was him that had grabbed her bag.

She wasn't sure what to do, so she just hugged him. She didn't really like physical affection but y/n didn't know what to do so she just resorted to touch. Y/n suddenly felt her father hugging her back, she was surprised because y/n and her father never really showed this much affection.

"All right," He stated "Come on, we gotta go." Y/n's dad grabbed her last bag and they both walked out of the airport.

As they got in the car and drove away y/n couldn't help but think about what it would be like here for a while. She would be going to a new school, it wasn't like she liked the old one though.

20 minutes later they arrived outside the house. It was a pretty big house, the house was two stories with lots of windows, and a lawn out front.

"Hey Bud, you good?" Her dad asked, she was honestly fine. However it was very different then her mom's house back in New York, it was small and dark.

"I- um, yeah I'm fine." she stuttered slowly getting out of her own thoughts. She grabbed her bags and rushed inside the home.

Y/n walked up the stairs and into her room. The dust in the room made her sneeze and drop her bags. Being too lazy to pick up the bags she just left them on the floor and walked over to the window that overlooked the street.

Y/n started to space out, until she heard the sound on a skateboard rolling down the dark streets below. She looked down, only to see a boy around her age skating down her street. He had short black hair, and was skating down on a purple and black skateboard.

Y/n didn't realize she was staring until he looked up at her. He started staring back at her. Y/n wouldn't look away, her pride wouldn't allow it. She couldn't see his face that well, but she did see his skateboard very well.

After he was out of sight she started to unpack her bags and kind of forgot about that interaction, that was until the next day.


Okay!!! That was the first chapter, I will be updating VERY soon. I already have other chapters pre prepared because I am very busy. I will most likely be updating 1-2 a week. I would love to receive feedback of any sort because this is my very first fanfic ever and I want to make it as enjoyable as I can. (Don't forget to eat and drink water today!) <3 mwah love whoever is reading this.

There aren't as many words in this chapter because I wasn't sure how I wanted to start this, however the other chapters will be longer and will be more interesting. And this will follow the anime plot however I'm just introducing y/n and her relationship with Miya rn.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑆𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑘 // Miya Chinen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now