Chapter 4: A new Friend?

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Thoughts of life back in NYC flooded y/n's mind like a rushing river, almost sending her into a full blown panic attack. She moved to get a new start, but now her privacy and secret was resting in the hands of a cat boy who she didn't seem to get along with very well. He could change her life in a matter of seconds if he chose to.

Y/n jumped, startled by her blaring alarm clock. She didn't get a second of sleep that whole night, just because of some shitty video on the internet. Y/n stopped her alarm clock and threw her phone onto her bed, refusing to look at that post for another second.


The tall school building that stood in front of her seemed ever more intimidating now, compared to her first day there. Y/n hoped that Miya wouldn't ask her about the video, the last thing she needed was him trying to figure out about her past.

"Y/n, are you getting out or not?" Her father questioned, sounding a little concerned. He knew when something was up with her, but he never really interfered. He knew that she was independent enough to figure things out by herself.

"Uh yeah... bye" The fresh air outside calmed y/n's nerves a tad, but not for long. It was almost time for her first class, the one where she was seated right next to Miya. Her plan was to just ignore him and act like nothing happened, maybe he didn't care?

Y/n tried to shake the thought and walked into towering school. She strolled to her first class, with thoughts and doubts still running through her mind. Before she knew it, she was already at her first period classroom.

The second she walked into the room she could feel Miya's eyes staring at her, refusing to look away. Y/n knew he was only looking at her because of the video last night, however she could help but suppress a small blush. Luckily he didn't notice, but when y/n was looking a small blush had formed on Miya's face as well.

Y/n sat down at her desk, but before Miya could say something to her, their teacher had already started talking.

As the lesson went on she kept trying to ignore him, but it was hard because he wouldn't stop whispering, kicking her feet, and nudging her. She could tell he was getting annoyed but y/n started to get even more pissed than him.

"Is there something you need?" Y/n asked, venom practically spilling from her every word. Miya scowled at her and gave her a weird look, he already knew that she could tell what he was going to ask her, so why wouldn't she just let him ask her?

"We need to talk, now." He demanded, this question had been picked at him all night, and he couldn't focus on anything else at the moment because of it. He couldn't even focus on skating because he was so distracted by it.

"No we can't," She retorted "I'm trying to focus in class." Both y/n and Miya knew that was a lie.

Before she could continue to ignore him once again, he pulled the chair out from under her, causing her to fall on the ground. Miya quickly pulled her up and swung her arm around his shoulder. Everyone in the class quickly whipped their heads around due to the noise.

"Ah, sorry sir," Miya said "But Y/n seems to have hurt her ankle falling out of the chair, may I take her to the nurses office?" The teacher just nodded his head, and they both walked out of the room before y/n could get a say in things."

"What the fuck?!" y/n whispered once they were out in the hallway. Miya didn't say anything until they rounded the corner and got to an empty space in the halls. Y/n understood that he wanted to talk, but he didn't need to do that.

'Look," Miya said, taking her arm off his shoulder "I know about your little skating thing. You know, from the little video last night? You really used to be famous for skating in NYC, it was mediocre at best." Y/n wasn't even nervous about it at this point, if he was going to tell he was going to tell. It wasn't like she wanted him to but there wasn't any point in making a big deal about it now.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑑 𝑆𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑘 // Miya Chinen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now