Chapter Two: Trevor

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He jerked his jacket back into place. They were late again. They're always late when its his turn to pay for the tickets. No doubt Harry was doing some wierd skeleton dance at that dance club he goes to. First time Trevor had seen him at it he had nearly run home crying for his mother. Give him a dictionary and tell him to pick a word that best described the scene, his first choice would have been disturbing after horiffying had been given due consideration.

Worse still Harry's mother had thought it would be good for him, Robb and Jess to learn a few moves. Mrs Craine had even went as far as getting them membership subscriptions. Jess vanished to a suspiciously timed vacation and Robb had fractured his leg. Literary. To ask him he would tell you it was worth it, and he did spend the summer idling away and gorging himself on icecream. Trevor on the other hand, had not been so fortunate as to have a conveniently planned holiday and had not been stupid enough to try and break his leg. He was forced to attend every weekend until, blessedly though unfortunately, the dance instructor had suffered a stroke and the lessons were cancelled for that summer.They had resumed again and Mrs Craine had been dodging his heels with exclamations of the new instructor being hip and modern "just what you young kids these days like," she had said. He thought otherwise. He had finally escaped by signing up for the art club at school but he had a feeling Mrs Craine was merely bidding her time.

He looked around impatiently. The street was nearly empty. The only one outside besides him was the bored ticket girl. The movie was starting in seven minutes. He was probably missing those commercials he liked so much. Trevor had mused with the plan of going inside but he had the tickets so the others would be stuck outside. He thought of leaving them with the ticket girl but one look at her playing with her blonde curls while talking to a boy had discouraged him. His tickets would most like be given to the next pretty boy who walked up to her, free of charge.

Trevor checked his watch. Five minutes. His watch was a piece of crap like the rest of what he owned but, like the rest of what he owned, it worked.

There was oil on his jeans again. He licked his fingers and tried to scrubb it off. He failed and served only to darken it and make it more pronounced. A motorcycle roared by and he saw his older brother Mike give him a wave. He waved back, grinning. He liked Mike. He liked all four of his brothers, despite what people said about them. And he knew they said the same things about him. He didn't need to hear it to know.

Three minutes left. He cursed so loud the ticket girl stared at him. Trevor had always been a patient boy but even his grandmother  would have to agree that this was absurd.

Two minutes. Trevor saw Robb first. He appeared suddenly at the corner of Tully's candystore and came at Trevor like a crazed horse. Robb was moving so fast Trevor thought for half a moment he was on wheels. Harry appeared later running in that skeletal manner of his. The sight was grotesque, yet funny.
Robb reached Trevor first.

"," he said doubled down. "Had. To lose. Sister."

Trevor grabbed him and caught Harry by the scruff of his shirt as he arrived and hauled them into the cinema, pausing only to give their tickets to the guard. He had forgotten that Hannah, Harry's little sister, would want to come too. She was getting smarter of late, resulting in them having to get more creative in their ways of escaping her.

Jess had saved them seats near the back row. She sat beside Heidi and Abella, her "other" best friends. Jessica's mom had decided she needed to befriend girls her age and had knighted Heidi Archer and Abella Thornwood as her new and official best friends. Trevor always thought a murderer would be a better influence than those two. The movie was a horror flick giving sense to their presence. They were big fans of horror and all his brothers could vouch for that, being fans themselves. George, the oldest of his siblings, had even given them premium membership in the imaginary horror club they made and Mike always said that in some of the movies that nearly made him soil himself, the two girls didn't so much as flinch. At the sight of them Harry began straightening his clothes and brushing his hair out of his face. He, after a brief scuffle, sat the furthest from them.

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