Part 1

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(Chloe p.o.v.)

I just woke up and checked on the kids and once i noticed they were still sleeping i headed back to my room and got ready for the day before heading downstairs to be met with my aunts and uncles.

Stefan ~ morning 

Elena ~ morning clo (Chloe)

Damon ~ morning sleepy head i made my famous pancakes.

Caroline ~ good morning Chloe. How'd you sleep? Are the littles still sleeping?

Chloe ~ morning everyone. And i slept as well as to be excepted when your fiancé died and you gave birth to triplets about a month ago and youve got a 2 year old. But i have to go upstairs and wake the kids up I'm going to visit mom.

Stefan ~ why dont Caroline and Elena watch the kids while you go see Av.

Caroline ~ yeah i love watching the little ones.

Elena ~ and i dont got anything going on today so i can watch them too.

Damon ~ and you really should eat something.

Chloe ~ please I'm fine. And i dont want to make you watch my kids...

Damon ~ this is not up for discussion eat and then you came go see Av. The girls can watch the kids. You need to have time with her before ya know.

Chloe ~ okay. Thanks guys.

With that i ate breakfast then grabbed my purse and keys and phone before heading to my car and to the hospital where my mom was staying to see if they could try and help keep her alive longer but the outcome wasn't what we hoped. Once i got to the hospital i walked to my moms room and said

Chloe ~ hey mom how are you feeling?

Avery ~ honey we need to talk.

Chloe ~ sure about what?

Avery ~ about your father.

Chloe ~ what why would we talk about him he left us 19 years ago. I know I wasn't born yet but still he didnt stick around long enough to even know about me.

Avery ~ honey i need you to breathe and calm down and listen to what i have to say please.

Chloe ~ but mom he

Avery ~ i know but I'm dying and he never does anything with out a reason i may not know his reason for leaving us but i do know that hes got a good reason. And i have forgiving him and i know its not an easy thing to do but i need you to promise me something.

Chloe ~ mom how could you forgive him?

Avery ~ Chloe i know your upset but i dont have long now. I'm really sick. The doctors say i wont make it to next week so i need you to promise me you'll give him this

She says while handing me an envelope

Avery ~ there's a letter for him in there and there's everything there is that you to know about your father. I know you dont want to know him but as my last wish i want you to meet him and get to know him for me. To find out the answers and reasons he had for leaving us behind. He's really not a bad person. And i know you'd love him so i need you to promise me. Promise me you meet him and give him the letter with his name on it. And always remind my grandkids that i love them all so very much.

Chloe ~ i promise mom.

Avery ~ always remember i love you.

Chloe ~ i love you to mom.

Avery ~ now go be with your kids and uncles and aunts. I dont want you to watch me die. It'll be too much to handle.

Chloe ~ but mom i dont want to leave. I want to be there for you.

Avery ~ you are with me. Now go but remember i always love you. Always and forever.

Chloe ~ i love you always and forever.

After i left the hospital i went back to the salvatore boarding house to see my kids. Once i walked into a house i got tackled into a hug by Elliot

Elliot ~ mamma your back!!

Chloe ~ yea. Mammas back. We're you and the triplets good for aunt Care and Aunt Lena?

Elliot ~ yup.

Chloe ~ okay why dont you go play with your toys. Mamma has something i need to do.

Elliot ~ okay mamma.

With that said little Elliot ran off to play with his toys and i went to my room to read the letter mom left behind for me. Once i got to my room i opened the big envelope and two smaller envelopes fell out and a picture and a little necklace that i know mom use to wear that said 'Always and forever'. I also saw what looked like wedding rings. I read the name on the first envelope which said 'Nik' and then the name on the second envelope that said 'My dearest Clo'. I then picked mine up and opened it reading it.

My dearest Clo,
I know how hard its gonna be for you to forgive your father but if your reading this the you know ive told you i wanted you to forgive him. He's truly an amazing man. I know you'll love him. Your like him too. Almost more then your like me. You have his eyes, his smile, his love for family, and his brave heart. He might not show that he cares but he does. And he will all you have to do is give it time. I remember when i first met him. I actually ran into him. I was running from my brothers. And i almost fell but he caught me. And from that moment on i knew i loved him. i have my wedding rings in here i want you to have them. So you have something of mine that will remind you of me and that will show that your father did love me. There's also a necklace. I'm sure youve seen it but its something he gave me. I want you to have that also. Your fathers name is Niklaus Mikaelson. He offend goes by the name Klaus. He will probably act like a scary person when you see him try to make you afraid. But dont be alarmed by it. Just give him the letter and maybe your phone number. His letter will explain everything. Just remember i love you and my grandkids 'Always and Forever'.
love mom.

By now i was full on crying. I didnt want my mom to die. She was the only one who got me through my fiancé's death, who would help me through hers? And as of right now i dont know when ill met my father. All i know is that i made a promise to my mom that ill meet him and give him the letter. But with reading that I decided it was time to go spend time with my kids.

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