TB003: Slasher in the Woods

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Speed and the group were continuing walking down the path through Viridian Forest. The peaceful sounds of the forest were all that could be heard.

"Ahhh! This is the life! Just us out here enjoying nature!" Crystal said.

"Yeah, it's very peaceful compared to our time in Viridian City." Flare said.

"Maybe we can get to Pewter City without running into any trouble!" Speed told the group.

The group looked ahead to see a Scyther in a samurai helmet down the path.

" Hm? Who's that?" Sunshine asked. 

As they were looking at the Scyther, it looked like it was going the opposite way of The Squad. He immediately stops when he takes notice of them.

"You!" It shouted while pointing one of his arm blades at them.

The Scyther rushed over very quickly to The Squad with what might've been a Quick Attack. But instead of bumping into him, the Scyther did something else.

The Scyther put up one of his arm blades to Speed's face. The rest of his siblings screamed before jumping back and Sunshine got off of Speed. Speed didn't dare to move at all.

"Tell me, might you guys be a team from Sunny Town?" The Scyther asked.

 This caught Speed off guard and confused him as he was thinking why would this stranger want to know that but answered his question anyway. 

" Y-Yeah... We are... What's it to you?" Speed replied.

"I see..." 

The Scyther backed away from Speed, removing his arm blade from him. Speed's siblings were relieved at this. They all stepped forward cautiously.

"W-Who are you?" Flare nervously asked while approaching him cautiously.

"Who am I?" The Scyther said to him.

"My name is Slash! Nice to meet you all!" He said in an upbeat tone with a goofy smile. 


The sudden change in the Scyther's tone maybe everyone caught everyone off guard.

"Uh... Yeah... Nice to meet you too...?" Speed said to him, still processing what just happened.

The rest of The Squad looked at each other and gave some awkward laughs. 

"Ahem, uh... We're the Eeveelution Squad, these are my siblings, Crystal and Flare. This is our little sister Sunshine who's just traveling with us, and I'm Speed." Speed said, introducing himself and the rest of the group.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all!" Slash said still with an upbeat tone.

Slash's sudden change in personality and tone confused everyone and Crystal decided to say something about it.

"What's with you?" She said.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Slash replied, confused.

"You just lunged at us and put one of your arm blades by my brother's neck and now your acting nice all of a sudden!? What's up with that!?" Crystal said to him. 

"Oh, sorry about that. I just wanted him to answer my question, that's all." He replied to her.

"And you couldn't you just ask us normally?" Crystal questioned and sighed.

Slash didn't say anything and just moved on. 

"You said you're all from Sunny Town, right?" He asked Speed, ignoring what Crystal said which gave her a look on her face. 

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