Chapter 3: Becoming the Circus Monkey

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Later the next day, Steve and Peggy sat in the back of a car, Millie sat in front, wearing similar attire to Peggy's as they drove down the street of Brooklyn

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Later the next day, Steve and Peggy sat in the back of a car, Millie sat in front, wearing similar attire to Peggy's as they drove down the street of Brooklyn. "I know this place, I got beat up in that Alley and that parking lot, behind that Diner." Steve points down the Alleyway and Diner, "That's were I saved you, everything times." Millie smirks a little.

Peggy just looks at Steve "Did you two have something against running away?" Peggy asks them, "What's good is it to run away and let the bully win?" Millie asks her, Peggy shoots a look over at her. "And you must have something against bullies?" she asks her.

Millie just shrugs as Steve nods at her, "As my sister said, you stand up, push back, can't say no forever, right?" Steve states, "I know little of what that's like, to have every door shut in your face." she states, Millie looks over and locks eyes with Steve for a moment, "I guess I don't know why you want to join the army if you're a beautiful dame, or a woman, an agent. Not a dame, you are beautiful..." he stumbles over his words, Millie giggles a little.

Peggy looks at him and smirks, "You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?" she asks him, Millie giggles behind her hand. "Other than my sister, no. This is the longest conversation I've had with one," he admits, Millie looks back at them, and Steve looks at her, and sighs. "Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a man they might step on," he states, looking over at Peggy. "Just like men aren't lining up to dance with a girl that's smarter than them," Millie admits, setting her head on top of her hand. "You two must have danced before," Peggy states.

Millie smiles sadly, "Asking a girl to dance, seems terrifying and the past few years... it didn't seem to matter that much, figured we would wait." Steve states, "For what?" Peggy asks him, "The right partner." Millie answers with sighs. 

Peggy just smiles as they park next to an antique shop, Millie steps out of the car, wearing a uniform for a woman, and is washed and clean, even braiding her hair, "Follow me." Peggy tells them as she and Steve step out. They walk to the shop and Millie eyes the two men standing next to the cars, she sees one of their pins. 

It has a skull with six snakes curved at the bottom, "What is this place?" Steve asks, snapping Millie out of her trance, "You'll see." she tells him and walks in, Millie follows closely.

They walk into the antique, Steve closes the door as Millie walks in, then an old woman walks out from behind the counter, "Lovey whether we're having." she states, "Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." Peggy states, that the woman walks behind the counter and presses a button under it, which is next to a gun.

The three walked into the back room and stood in front of a book shelve, then the shelve opened and they saw another room behind the shelves, they all walked into the hall and came to an open room and saw a chamber readier for him, then everyone in the room looks at Steve, Millie turns her gaze to Peggy and saw she also was looks at Steve.

The silence was over as the three walked down the stairs, "Good Morning." Erskine shakes Steve's hand, seeing him as nervous as hell. Then a photographer snaps his picture, "Please, not now." he tells him, and the photographer leaves, "Are you ready?" Erskine asks him, Steve gives him a nervous look then nods, "Alright, remove your hat, tie, and shirt." he informs him, Steve complies and removes his tie from the shirt, Millie takes his shirt and tie, "You can do this." Millie assures him, Steve looks at his sister and hugs her, and she returns the hug, giving a tight hug.

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