chapter 14.

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They were back to songwriting the next morning, only for a couple hours given they get work done as there was a concert that very night. John had brought donuts and fruits for the group, hoping that food would help motivate them in some way. 

"So, after everyone else left, I actually started a song last night," Louis said after a couple miutes of debate within the songwriting group. 

"You did?" Jamie asked, leaning forward. 

"Yeah, it's called Through the Dark, I kind of wrote it with a bit of an encouraging message for our fans," Louis said, half-lying through his teeth. Liam was sitting right next to him, and he could probably piece together the real reason he wrote the song, but Louis didn't want to risk it. 

"How much of it do you have done?" He asked, not moving his stance. Louis looked around to see all eyes on him, knowing full well they were ready to pounce on anything that didn't sound good enough for the album. He's been through this process many times before, but it didn't make it any less intimidating. 

"I have the first verse and chorus done, and most of the second verse," Louis said, pulling out the notebook he wrote in the previous night and opened it to the page the song was on. He passed it to Toby, who was seated on is other side, to read and pass along. 

"I have no instrumentals ready for it, I like to wait until the lyrics are done," He said as Toby read. He knew everyone had different writing styles, and in his world they all knew his, but not here.

He heard Toby let out a content hum as he passed along the notebook to Julien, who was on the other side of him. Louis sucked in a breath as he waited for the review of his work so far. 

"I like it, it needs some work but it's a great start considering what we have so far," Toby said,  and Louis let out that breath. "However, my understanding was this album was going to be more of a rock album."

"I'm working on some more rock-like songs right now, actually," Louis quickly defended, and it wasn't technically a lie. He just needed to remember the exact lyrics to Alive and Why Don't We Go There, two songs he had already written in the other world. Once he remembered those, he would tell them, then show them Right Now as well. He also wanted to see if Liam would let him help with the song he wanted to write as well. 

"Good, how far along are you with those?" Julien asked, passing the notebook to Jamie. Louis shrugged. 

"Almost done with two, actually," he said as Jamie passed the notebook to Liam. He noticed Jamie had barely read it.

"I like what you have so far, for Through the Dark, and with the rise of suicide awareness, it will be good to get a couple songs on the album that let fans know that there's always a way out,"Julien said softly, holding his hands together. "I think there needs to be a bridge, obviously, and the second verse could use some work. Otherwise, that's a great start Louis."

Louis could barely hold in a smile, only replying with a "thank you sir". Julien nodded, and leaned back in his chair.

"What about those other songs you mentioned?" Jamie asked, seemingly still in the mood for the rock songs. 

"I don't have them here, but they're called 'Why Don't We Go There' and 'Alive', I can bring copies of them to the next session if you would like," Louis offered, praying to god that they wouldn't need a copy. Of course, he shouldn't have offered in the first place, but it was too late now. 

"That would be wonderful," Jamie said, and as an afterthought added, "Just bring one to the next session tomorrow morning, and we'll go from there."

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