Chapter Nine

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Sally is struggling against her Uncle Johnny's grip trying to get free. He kidnapped her right out of the mansion. "Ben! Jeff!" He kept running with Sally struggling against him. Soon he knocked her out to shut her up. After awhile of teleporting and running he gets to an old warehouse. He chains her to the wall while she slept. She stayed out cold for hours before waking up. Johnny was grinning at her while she backed away.

"Poor lil Sal. You're so scared." He grins wider.

"I thought you were dead. I killed you."

"Yea, and I thought I killed you too but here we both are." He walks closer pinning the cowering Sally in the corner. He bends down in front of her. He rubs his hand up her leg to her upper thigh causing her to whimper and try pushing his hand away.

"Leave me alone. You already took my mommy and daddy from me not counting my life. What else could you want?" She said with tears streaming down her face.

"You were such a fun little toy when you were alive until you broke. Now, I can keep my toy again forever and it can't break again." Sally whimpers again under his touch. "Don't worry little toy. I won't do anything yet. I want you well rested before we play again." He smirks before leaving her there chained to the wall crying.

(Back with the others)

Slender was searching around with the help of his brothers. They picked up a trace of Sally and followed it. They got to the edge of the woods before stopping.

"The trail goes cold here but I can detect that someone teleported." Trender says.

"I can too." Splendy says. Slender and his brothers wrap tentacles around all the pastas that's joining them in looking for Sally. It takes them days before they can even get to where all the teleporting lead to. They are outside of an old warehouse. It's night out so they don't have to worry about people seeing them. They silently go in and look around. They split up going different directions looking for her. EJ and LJ were walking around when they saw a light up ahead and snuck to it. They see Sally chained to the wall and her curled up in a ball slightly crying into her knees. They walk over to her. EJ puts his hand on her side and she flinches.

"It's me Sally." She looks up seeing EJ. She instantly smiles and stands up hugging him. "You ok?" She shakes her head no crying a little harder. He shushes her while LJ works on the chains. Slender and the others heard the noise and followed it to them. Slender got the chains off of her and they started to run for the exit. While they were running Sally got pulled back causing her to scream. Johnny had an arm around her chest pinning her arms down while he held her off the ground. She struggled trying to kick him.

"Help." Tears slipped down her face while all the pastas looked at them trying to figure out how to get her.

"Who are you and how do you know Sally?" Jeff growled.

"Awe so little Sal didn't tell about me? I feel hurt." He whined.

"He's Johnny." Sally says whimpering.

"I thought you killed him?" Jill says.

"She did but I came back. Like her I had unfinished business." He grins looking down at her. He rubs a hand up her leg to her shorts while she struggled more.

"You shouldn't have done that." Ben says before charging forward with his sword. In a fast movement the hand he was using to rub her with had a knife to her throat.

"Stay back. You already know what will happen if I done this." He lies his head on hers while grinning.

"What is he talking about? I'm immortal, I can't be killed again." Sally says looking at them.

"Oh this is good, they didn't tell you. Immortals can be killed by other immortals sweetie." He chuckles with madness in his eyes. More fear made its way into her eyes. Jill snuck off going around. She can't stand seeing little kids be treated like this. LJ was even ticked off and he kills kids for fun.

"Sally, look at me." Masky says getting hers and Johnny's attention. "You're going to be ok. We won't let him kill you." Masky and them knew Jill was moving into kill.

"Come on Sal we still have a game going." Jill got a dagger and held it in her hand. When she was right behind him she spoke.

"She doesn't like playing those games." She stabbed him in the back causing him to drop Sally. She ran over hugging Ben's and Jeff's legs while crying. Jill summoned her chainsaw and started it. "I think that's the end of the game. Sally wins and you lose." She slices him in half before cutting his head off. She walked over to Sally with her chainsaw over her shoulder. She makes the chainsaw disappear before picking Sally up. "Shh, it's ok. I got you." Jill coos trying to calm Sally down. Soon Sally's calm. Slender wraps his tentacles around everyone teleporting them home.

Sally fell asleep in Jill's arms. Jill lies her down on the couch. Ben sits down followed by Jeff. Jeff moves the hair out of her face. "Sorry we didn't get there sooner Sally." He says. Everyone started clearing out to go to bed. Both Jeff and Ben kissed Sally's forehead before leaving. LJ picked her up cradling her while he walked upstairs. He took her to his room and lied down in bed. He had Sally pulled to him while he had her wrapped in his arms.

"We will never let you get hurt again."

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