Chapter 8

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Irene's pov
After we went swimming, I changed into my sweatsuit and I hear a knock on my door and I asked who is it?

They said Catalina and I said come in and I finish drying my hair with towel and Lina smiled and said what you doing and I said about to braid my hair.

Lina said need some help and I said please and she said sit down and I sat in the chair in front on my vanity and she said wow you have some beautiful hair.

I smiled and said so do you and she said I wish and I said what are you girls gonna do now and she said probably watch a movie in Angelica and Nolan's room wanna join?

I nod my head and said sure and she said how are you holding up and I chuckled and said you are the only person that has asked me that and to be honest I miss my mom and my best friend and my home just feel like my life came crashing down you know.

She finished braiding my hair and said I know and trust me I miss my home too but I try to go every weekend to see my mom and sister my dad passed away when I was 10 he was in a gang and they shot him.

I looked at her and said I'm sorry Lina and she smiled and said hey it's not your fault just wish he got out of it when he had the chance to but you know guys are stubborn. I laughed and said you can say that again and she giggled and said i know we barley know each other Irene but I thank you for listening to me.

I smiled and said hey that's what I'm here for I like to make feel people better and Lina said well you definitely made me feel better. We hugged each other and I said ready to watch some movies and she said hell yeah girly and I turned off the lights and walked out the room.

Talking to Catalina makes me miss Ivy so much. I wonder how is she doing.

Ivy's pov
I get home from work and unlock the door and look around wanting to yell I'm home bestie but she's gone.

I cried and slid down the door and look up at the ceiling and said I'm sorry Sylvia (Irene and Gabriel's mom) this is all my fault if I would've just went to check up on her last night she would be here we would be laughing, talking, and watching movies.

I promise I'm going to find her though I'm going to keep looking and looking until I find her and bring her back home safe and sound. I heard the doorbell ring and I got up and looked to see who it was and it was Jeremy (my ex).

I opened the door and he said hey and I said hi and he said can I come in and I nod and opened the door wider and he said so have you heard anything. I sighed and said no but they think she went to Canada.

He looked at me confused and said why they think that and I shake my head and said her dad lives out there but Irene hasn't saw her dad since him and her mom got divorced so I don't think she's out there.

He shrugged his shoulders and said we won't know until we go out there and I said you'll go with me and he smiled and hold my face and said even though Irene hates my guts she's like a sister to me and I would do anything to get her back.

I smiled and hugged him and said I miss her so much and he rubs the back of my head and said I know I miss her too we gonna bring her back home I promise.

Please still be alive Irene I can't loose you. Not now, not ever.

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