Chapter 31

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Irene's pov
After me and Colton made dinner, Lina and Evan set up the table and Ange and Nol helped us bring out the food and pour Moscato wine in everyone's glasses. Colton says grace and we dig in.

Julia said mmm this is so good Colton and irene and Lina said right you guys put a lot of love in this food. We all laughed and Evan said you guys should cook for us everyday and Colton chuckled and said no we'll stick to chef doing that.

Evan snickers and eat his food and I smiled and asked so how was everyone's day? Gabriel said exciting when I found out my Queen is having a baby and I smiled and Nolan said it was ok still wondering where is Richard.

Colton said same but he is very good at hiding and Axel said or he has someone working with him. Nolan said who would want to work with a bastard like him and i drink my wine and Juan said probably someone that is all and Jonathan said including Jack.

I said but why would Richard take a visit to your mom col and Colton said our mom is our weakness and our grandma.

Gabriel said do you think Richard is working with someone else and I said someone else like our father? Everyone got quiet and I finished eating and got up and walked to the kitchen so I can wash off my dishes.

I put them on the rack so they can dry and washed my hands and dry them and turned around and screamed when I saw Colton standing right there.

I said you scared me how long were you standing right there and he chuckled and said I just came in here and I rolled my eyes and said I'm sorry for saying that I should but he cut me off and said it's ok you're just curious like everyone else is.

I looked up at him and asked so what are you guys going to do now? Colton sighed and said I'm tired of looking and ending up with nothing but I don't want my mom to get hurt I guess the only thing we can do is talk to Jack.

I said do you think he will give u any info and he put the dishes in the rack and said no probably not but it's worth the shot and I said how about I talk to him tomorrow and he turned around and yelled what.

I close the door and whispered keep your voice down look I know your mafia and Jack's mafia hate each other and you guys don't trust each other and I said but maybe he will trust me.

Colton whispered yelled Irene no I'm not letting him hurt you again like yesterday I wouldn't forgiven myself if I send you there alone.

I said than have one of the guys or security guards go with me Colton you have to trust me that let me help you maybe he knows something that obviously you guys don't come on please.

He sighed and said fine but I'm sending Jose (another mafia member but he's barely around) he's very protective and will make sure Jack doesn't get out of line. I said why not Juan or but he cut me off and said cause I don't trust Juan end of discussion.

I giggled and said ok ok mr. jelly anyway what's for desert and he said we have some brownies and eat mint chocolate chip ice cream your favorite. I smiled and said mmmm that sounds delicious and he smiled and took out the brownies and ice cream and warmed up the brownies.

Now I have to figure out what I'm going to say to Jack tomorrow. Pray for me.

Third persons pov
Richard saw how all the boys failed on looking for him and he chuckled and picked up his phone and said they haven't found me Charles they are so clueless.

Charles chuckled and said I can't wait for all of those pussy weak boys to be dead so all those girls can be free including my daughter her best friend came here 2 days ago looking for her.

Richard smirked and said is that so tell me Charles what did she say and Charles said her best friend ivy told me that Irene has been kidnapped and that Gabriel goes to UCLA.

Richard said used to not anymore unfortunately Gabriel has joined the mafia with Colton surprising huh? Charles said w what no Gabriel would never his dream was to become but Charles cut him off and said to become a football player but he met a girl.

Charles yelled what girl and Richard chuckled and said now now calm down Charles her name is Jules I think oh no it's Julia she is very beautiful and she is from Miami.

Charles said so you are telling me my son dropped out of school cause of some fucking wannabe mafia guy and a girl.

Richard smirked while looking out the window and said yep oh I almost forgot too i heard she is pregnant so congratulations you will have a grand baby soon.

Charles said not if I kill her too and he hung up the phone and Richard looked out the window and said look out son cause I'm coming for you and everyone else.

Do you think Jack is going to tell Irene about her father or do you think Colton will change his mind about her going over there?

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