Chapter 45

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Irene's pov
After me and the girls watched the 1st movie which was mean girls 2, Angelica said she had an announcement.

We all look at her and she stood up and stood up and said we all know that Colin, Nolan, and Irene is in danger right??

Julia rolled her eyes and said where is this going Angelica and Angelica said if you shut up and listened to me I could tell you and Julia sits back and cross her arms.

Ange smiled and said thank you anyways I think we should teach Irene to fight and how to shoot a gun.

The girls gasped except me and Ange and Catalina yelled ESTÁS FUERA DE TU MALDITA MENTE (are you out of your damn mind)?!?! Ange said cuál es el problema (what's the problem)??

Julia said Ohh let me see umm COLIN AND GABRIEL WOULD KILL US IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO IRENE WE ARE NOT but I cut her off and said I wanna learn.

Everyone looked at me and Angelica said than it's done tomorrow morning at 7:45am we'll start with the fighting and make our way up more.

She went to go make some more popcorn and Lina said you don't have to do this Irene and I said I know but I need to protect myself what if Jack's dad comes after me and Colin's not there than what.

Sheyla said she got a point women deserves to protect themselves too and she got up and julia said I hope you're making a good decision and I smiled and hugged her and said I am don't worry Julia I promise I'll be careful

Let's hope Colin and Gabriel don't try to kill me and Ange.

Colins pov
Me and the guys playing pool, drinking, and talking and Nolan said I still can't believe Jack's father showed up and I said me and you both I swear I'm going to do whatever it takes til he is 8 ft under.

Gabriel said is it just me or has Axel been distant and Jose said yeah I noticed that he comes home hella late at like 10 or 11. Evan said maybe he got a girl.

Jonathan said I always thought he was gay and we laughed hella hard and I pushed Jon and said you going to hell and he laughed and said hey we already at hell with Richard.

I shook my head and said no but Fr tho where did Axel go after the funeral and Nolan said that's what I wanna know and Gabriel said none of the girls know??

I said I don't know wait Jon track his location and he said on it and we played more pool until Jon said got it and Evan said where is he.

Jon looked at us with a confused face and said he's at Jack's. I chuckled and said stop playing Jon where is he and he said I'm not messing around Colin he's at Jack's house.

I took the iPad out his hand and got mad and yelled WHY THE FUCK IS HE OVER AT THAT BASTARDS HOUSE and Gabriel said calm down and I said fuck no I'm not calming down until that fucking jackass gives me answers!!!!

I opened the door and walked out and slammed it. I walked to the basement and enter the code to this other room we keep all of our weapons and other stuff and I got one of the guns and load it.

Nolan said woah where are you going and I rolled my eyes and said what you think dumbass I'm going to fairytale land I'm going over to Jack's!!

Nolan said me and Gabriel are coming with so you won't do anything stupid. I said well hurry up and they got out one of the guns and locked it and we walked out and I locked the basement door.

We go downstairs and Nolan said we'll be back girls we gonna grab some food and Julia said can you get some salmon for tonight please??

Me and Nolan looking at Gabriel and he mumbled those god damn cravings is coming. We chuckled and walked out the door and got in one of the trucks and I start the engine.

Axel you better be ready cause you got some fucking explaining to do!!!

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