Chapter 32

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(Irene's outfit and hair)
Irene's pov
The next day, I woke up at 7:00 in the morning so I can get ready and talk to Jack. I know I know what am I thinking but if he isn't on good terms with Colton and his mafia than how are we gonna get info.

I go to the bathroom and tingle and thought in my head what if Jack hits me again, what if he kills me, what if he tortures me and keep me in his basement?!

Irene stop you thinking too much everything is gonna be ok besides Jose is coming with me. Hopefully Jose is nice I just don't understand why the other guys couldn't come with me at least I know them but it's whatever.

I wash my hands and go back in my room and lift up the mattress and grab my diary and pen and sit by the window looking out at the beautiful garden and pool.

Dear diary,
I know it's been a while since I last wrote in here but so far everything is somewhat going good and it's strange cause you are not supposed to be friends with your kidnapper. People always said me and my mom were just alike and I guess they were right cause literally my mom was nice to everyone and so am I. Me and Gabriel are closer than ever and it's like we make new memories everyday. I talk to my mom everyday when I get up In the morning and before I go to sleep. I miss her and love her so much but I know she is always with me. I got to get going cause I'm going to go talk to Satan's son lol just kidding but seriously I am freaking but I know I will be ok.

Love, Irene

I put my diary and pen under the mattress and said wish me good luck mom I love you and miss you I hope you have a good day.

I put on my slippers and open the door and walked out the room and smell some pancakes, bacon, and eggs and I smiled and walked downstairs.

I said good morning everyone and they all said good morning RiRi. I smiled and grabbed my plate, orange juice, and some water and said good morning to the maids and our cook.

Colton said sit by me I saved u a seat and I smiled and sat next to him and start eating while we watch Phineas and Ferb. 

Catalina said whats everyone's doing today and Gabriel said me and Julia going apartment searching and Nolan said me and Ange going to the park and have a picnic.

I said awww that's cute and Evan said me and Catalina is picking up her sister from the airport and we looked at Lina and I said are you excited and she smiled and said yeah I can't wait to see her I missed her so much.

Ange said I bet she got more beautiful and we giggled and I said what about U Colton and he said me, Juan, and Jonathan are going drifting.

I gasped and said drifting I love drifting and he smiled and said I knew it and I pout and said I wish I can go and he said next weekend I'll take you angel I promise.

I blushed and drink the rest of my orange juice and I said what you about you Axel and Nolan smirked at him and Axel said well I'm taking Jack's sister (Paige) on a date.

Nolan said does Jack know and Axel said nope and we gonna keep it that way too and Colton and Nolan hold their hands up and said alright.

I giggled and shake my head and said well I better get ready got a busy day and I get up and walk to the kitchen and put my plates and cups in the sink and Colton said are you sure you gonna be ok.

I smiled and said yes everything will be fine I promise and I kiss his cheek and walk upstairs.

I am terrified but I'm doing this for my brother and Colton's safety.

Catalina's pov
After Me and Evan showered and dry off, I rub lotion on my body and put on my panties and socks and Evan said are you nervous baby?

I smiled and said yeah I'm excited too but what if she not excited to see me what if she hates me what if but Evan cuts me off and hugs me and said Catalina no one can't ever hate you especially your sister.

I smiled and kissed him and said I love you and he smiled and said I love you more my beautiful Queen and I smiled and blow-dry my hair while I comb it.

I finish braiding my hair and put on my outfit and shoes and grabbed my phone and mini backpack and I said how do I look and Evan smiles and said like a beautiful angel.

I smiled and we took a picture and post it on snap and he said ready and I take a deep breath and said yep and he open the door and said after you and I smiled and walked out.

Ange said have fun and I smiled and hugged her and said thank you and she said ur welcome and I hugged Julia and she whispered I know u nervous but don't worry she is gonna be happy to see you.

I smiled and tear up but I hold my tears and said thank u Jules and pulled away and I said where's Irene and Nolan said she outside and I nod my head and walked outside with Evan.

Irene smiled and opened her arms and said come here and I ran in her arms and she rubbed my back and said you put that beautiful smile in your face and have fun with your sister.

I smiled and said I can't wait for you to meet her and Irene smiled big and said I can't wait to meet her either and I said good luck with the devil.

She chuckled and said thanks ima need it dealing with Jack and I pat her shoulder and start walking backwards to Evans car and said you got this girly and she smiled and get in Jose's truck

Me and Evan said oh hey Jose didn't see you there and Jose chuckled and flipped us off and said Heyy and I'll see y'all when I get back I nod my head and get in Evans car.

Welp here we go...

(Catalina's outfit and hair)

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(Catalina's outfit and hair)

(Catalina's outfit and hair)

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(Evans car)

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