Chapter 1:

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The bell rung, signaling for the next class to start, when Damian pulled her by the hand to a secluded corner. The halls were empty. She knit her eyebrows.

"Dami, wh-" his lips smashed onto her's urgently. She let out a muffled squeak of surprise as his right arm snaked across her waist, before she grabbed his cheek, and returned it. He pulled away, panting, seconds later, almost ashamed look on his face.

"I apologize, I have just missed you." Marinette giggled.

"I never would have thought." she sarcastically remarked. "See what happens when you try to hide things from your brothers? They get paranoid and think that you're hiding something. They'll find out eventually." Damian groaned, and placed a kiss on the top of her head, drawing her to his chest.

"It's not that I am embarrassed for you to meet my family, actually, wait. I am. Not of you, of course, I am embarrassed that those heathens are my family." Marinette chuckled, hooking her finger along his shirt collar.

"If you didn't love them then you wouldn't allow them to be such a big part of your life." Damian's eyes closed tightly in annoyance while he let out a groan.

"Habibti, why must you be so annoyingly wholesome?" she let out a snicker, pulling him forward, close enough to almost be nose-to-nose. His ears felt hot.

"C'mon, we should get back to class, I don't want to be caught." ears still red, he let a self satisfied smirk appear on his lips.

"Isn't that half the thrill of it?" Marinette shrugged, looking down at the floor with a small smile. Damian gently took her face in his hands. She suddenly felt her face grow warm, bluebell eyes fluttering shut. Damian's smirk was still evident in his voice as he pressed his forehead onto hers.

"There is a rumor going around that I make you nervous." That drew a chuckle out of the girl. Her eyes flickered down to his lips and back up again, her fingers lacing behind his neck, with a sly smile.

"Well I wouldn't go as far as-"

"Demon Spawn, what, and let me emphasize this greatly, the fuck?" the couple froze, and slowly turned to the familiar voice. Damian buried his face in his hands, as his brother stared at him in both amazement and amusement. Marinette stepped forward, hand outstretched with an embarrassed smile.

"Hi, I'm Marinette." the man took her hand, and narrowed his eyes to analyze her, before turning to Damian.

"Hey dipshit, why is your girlfriend introducing herself to me? Shouldn't you be doing this?" Damian groaned, and stepped forward, his hand resting on her hip, Jason noted.

"Todd," Damian started, face draining itself of emotion. "This is Marinette. Marinette, this is Todd. He is my brother." Marinette smiled, and drew back her hand.

"It's nice to meet you monsieur." she turned to Damian, palm outstretched. "You owe me five bucks. I told you they would find out within the next week." Damian grumbled and started fished out a bill from his pocket. Jason watched the interaction curiously. She took the five, and handed it to Jason. "Here ya go!" Damian scowled.

"Habibti, why did you-" She crossed her arms.

"Because he said that you annoys him the most. Therefore, that's a bribe to stay quiet for now. I have a plan." she quipped, calculating eyes flickered up to his emerald green. Damian held the scowl, until it melted off his face. He shook his head.

"You're something else, angel." he turned to his confused older brother. "Todd, I'll let you know everything, if you keep quiet. She has a plan, and I intend to follow through with it. As long as," he turned back to her, lips pressed to a firm line. "You don't go excessive over this. Nothing too extravagant." Marinette sighed, and nodded, grabbing her bag. "What exactly are you doing here, Todd?" Jason was taken aback by the question.

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