Chapter 3:

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"Tim, did you find- whoa." about thirty or more pictures and videos from the school's cameras were up on his monitor. Tim had a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Dick, please tell me I can play this at their wedding. Just look at this." Tim clicked on a video of the two fighting in the hallway, students frighteningly avoiding the two, only for her to break down and Damian to walk over, with a sigh, and wrap her in a hug. Dick chuckled, and leaned on the desk.

"Well, it's nice to know that he actually is capable of good emotions." Tim nodded.

"But look at this. I think he's actually learning it through her." he clicked on another video dated about a month after he said they met, where Damian just looked outright pissed, before she linked her small arms around his waist. He looked terrified in the video, before melting into the embrace with a scowl. Dick slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Oh my god. We need to show this to Jon." Tim scoffed.

"I already forwarded it to Kon like an hour ago." Dick snorted, and grabbed a bag of chips.

"Nice. Do you know where Damian's going tonight? He seemed pretty not whelmed." Tim rolled her eyes.

"No, he scrambled the signal in his phone, and Babs said not to call her unless someone is dying or something." Dick laughed.

"Oh Timmy, she'd be even more pissed if we didn't tell her this. I'll call her right now." Dick scrolled on his phone before groaning. "Timmy, she blocked me. Now what?" Tim gave him a weird look.

"You were taught by people who know more about technology in the whole world and you can't- Never mind. She blocked you for a reason."

"I hope your pillow is warm on both sides."

"I hope you step on a lego."

"I hope you have shitty wifi."

"Well I hope you can't use your charger without it being on a specific angle."

"I hope only one of your AirPods work." Tim slammed a hand on the table.

"You absolute bitch take that back!" 

"Take yourself back to the orphanage!" Jason shouted from across the room.

"We're all orphans dumbass!" Tim shouted.

"I know you are but what am I?" Jason shouted again.

"An intellectual."

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck your chicken strips!"




"Oh shit-"


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Marinette stepped out of the passenger seat, taking Damian's hand.

"Thank you my prince." Damian gave her a small smirk.

"Of course my goddess." She knit her eyebrows.

"Tikki told you?" Damian's smirk grew as he shut her door, and put on his sunglasses.

"Just a little bit. Now shall we?" he held out his arm. She took it, and snuggled into his side, taking in the warmth. They walked up the carpet, and past the paparazzi and the journalists, saying nothing, and while they did take photos, nobody recognized the young heir. Marinette stepped up the stairs to the building, running her hand along the railing, and Damian led her in the front doors. Where chaos had awaken.

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