"Ahh Joey jobabe bidie bud" is what cat noir says
"no it is ok catty boi let him tame me" says me
Cat not starts crying as I follow jebob Biden to the white house
"do u know what I want" says Joet
"I do" I say with confidence. i know that he needs to take my uterus so that he may have babies without Jill or his sister having to quit there jobs
"take it lol" I say opening my bellie button to pull it out
as I place it in jis hands he looks up and says " thanks...pogchamp"
"MINECRAFT NERD!!!" says draco
"aaa sir draco u r alive lol" me and obama both say at the same time
"hm yes can't catch me in the gingerbread man" bye lol
Quackity x Obama ×Draco xCorpsehusband*Donny Guitar hero!!!
Vampirgeschichtensilly and smutty😘😘 i apolagize in advance for what u are about to read