Chapter 39 - We Love You Mama

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~ Daniela's POV ~

"So is this your way of kicking me out of your house?" When I turned my head to look at Carson he let out a laugh, shaking his head.

"No beautiful. You can live there, you can live here - you can alternate every day if you want. Just do what you want."

"What if I wanted to live here permanently...with you?" When I added the last part I was suddenly nervous to see his reaction. It may have only been six minutes away, but I was still asking him to leave his main home and his friends to come and live in a house he built for me and I'm guessing just for me.

As much as I didn't mind living there, just being in our own home even just for an hour when we made love and then just lay there in the bed, enjoying each other's company was so refreshing.

It was so peaceful.

It was our home, our house. It was decorated exactly how I would want it without the fancy luxuries of the penthouse in the city or just a kind of suite on the third floor in a huge mansion. We had our own space, our own backyard which I still hadn't seen entirely yet although I did see a pool through the window.

But, it was all for us, a place for just us. That's if he wanted to be there with me.

"You want me to live here too?" When he spoke he kept his voice pretty neutral, barely giving anything away. "Yes."

He took a moment to think, looking around the bedroom that was lit up by the rays of sun that were coming in through the window.

"But this is supposed to be your place."

"If I need time alone I'll ask you Carson, but I don't want that and I don't want to plan for that. Having this place on standby is like us saying we'll end up arguing so bad that I'll need to leave. I don't want to think like that, hopefully it won't happen but if it does then I'll send you on your way." When I gave him a small smile he let out a laugh, moving in closer to me.

"I won't let it happen."

"So what do you say then?" When I gave him a nervous smile he leaned in pressing a kiss to my lips. "I'd love to move in here with you. But this will always be your house, everything is yours. Don't forget that."

"I don't know what I did to deserve you Carson." When I mumbled those words I felt the emotions from earlier rise up inside me again as he pulled my body up against his in the bed. "You went through hell for years Dani. Now let me show you what heaven is like my queen, because you deserve the world."

His words caused the tears to spill over from my eyes as I kissed him before I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. If this is what heaven felt like - being in his arms, then I never wanted to leave.

<<<<<<< >>>>>>> <<<<<<<

When I heard the doorbell ring again for the fourth time I finally let out a groan, pushing my chair back from my desk in my office. Honestly, considering the number of people in this house and how many security guards we had everywhere, they're all so freaking lazy.

Even though it was a Friday afternoon, the place was usually still full until around 6pm and it was only 4pm.

As I stepped out of my office I looked at Grey's slightly open door across from mine and then I glanced down the corridor at Carson's door.

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