⚠️ Warning - this chapter contains mentions of domestic abuse ⚠️
Enjoy ✨
~ Daniela's POV ~
Every single sound made me jump.
Even the sound of my printer printing out some documents caused me to flinch I was that on edge.
So far it had been 21 hours and nothing had happened. I guess I still I had a few more hours to go though, so I shouldn't really expect anything to happen yet. That's if anything was going to happen, Fox might have been right - Ayden could have just been bluffing.
Letting out a breath I gathered the papers into a stack, pushing my chair back as I stood up. Heading out of my office, I made my way down the hallway towards Carson's office before I knocked on the door waiting for him to call me in.
"These are for you." As I walked into his office, I was met with the sight of Carson and Grey who seemed to be deep in conversation when I interrupted them. "What are they?"
"The forecasts you asked for." When I put them on his desk, I felt their eyes on me clearly noticing my frown and the way I barely spoke to them as I turned to leave. "What's the matter?"
"Oh nothing, I'm just waiting to be shot, or blown up or maybe even sucked into the ground through a portal or-"
"You're being ridiculous." When Grey cut me off, I sent him a glare while Carson just shook his head in amusement, looking over the documents I gave him. "No I'm not, we all know what they're capable of."
"But a portal? Really?" This time Grey gave me a teasing smile as he gestured for me to sit down next to him, which I begrudgingly did. "Dani this place is on total lockdown, nothing is going to happen. I told you about my plan, I guess he's getting desperate a lot quicker than I expected but we still stick to the plan. If we want it done right, we have to."
Although Carson's soothing tone was obviously his way of attempting to ease my anxiety, I only let out a nervous breath nodding my head. For a moment it fell silent while Carson read over the documents I brought him, before I stupidly opened my mouth, again.
"What are you guys working on?"
When I asked that very stupid question, Carson lifted his head to give me a weird look making me realise my mistake instantly.
"Never mind."
Maybe I should leave before I say anything else that's so stupid? I mean, nothing could have been as stupid as asking your boss, who also happens to be the boss of the mafia, and his underboss what they're working on. But, I'm sure I could think of something.
I really thought doing something like this could get you killed, just as a way to remind you that it was none of your business. Everyone here knows you don't ask the boss what he's doing, I guess that's rule number one of being in the mafia.
"It's just something to do with a Brazilian cartel, we've already had a deal in place with them for a year but now they're trying to change it." When he muttered the words, he looked down at all the papers covering his desk while I just sat there staring at him with wide eyes.
Honestly it actually took me a moment to comprehend the fact that Carson had so openly told me about his business, something that I never thought would happen.
"Change it to what?"
I guess by this point I was just testing to see when he'd tell me to mind my own business. I mean, if Carson didn't kill me for questioning him then I'm sure in a few hours Ayden would kill me anyway.

Know Your Worth ✔️
RomanceDaniela O'Brien. Dani is the girl you would say has absolutely no luck going for her at all. Two dead parents, an estranged sister and an abusive, controlling boyfriend who's keeping one hell of a secret from her. At 21 years old she unknowingly f...