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Eight Years Later

~ Daniela's POV ~








"Ha!" When I finally managed to trick her, she pouted her lips at me as I lifted her out of her crib and into my arms. "Your daddy taught me a thing or two when we play that game."

Of course when she heard that particular word, she picked up on it instantly. "Play."

"No baby, bath first then play while mama makes dinner. Maybe one day we can actually have dinner ready before daddy comes home?" The entire time I carried her into the bathroom she fussed in my arms and then on the bench, only calming down when the water started turning pink thanks to the bubble bath I put in for her.

The littlest things always mesmerise them at this age.

"It's pretty, right?" When I asked her the question she nodded her head from where I'd left her sitting on the bench in the bathroom while I ran the bath for her.

It didn't seem like a necessity to have a bench in a bathroom, but once you have to go through the pain of bathing a child trust me, it's the best investment you'll ever make.

"Okay." Once I turned off the running water, I turned to face my one and a half year old baby who was watching me with cautious eyes. "Now, let's get you out of your clothes and then we can get you in the bath."

I should have expected really, by now at least, I should have known what was coming. But unfortunately I was just too slow, or she was too fast. Either way, as soon as I put her down on the floor she ran off and I didn't manage to catch her in time.

Letting out a groan, I had to use the edge of the bath tub to stand up thanks to my 29 week baby bump that made it impossible to stand up without help.

"Poppy Isabella Agnello! Get your little butt back in here." Of course when she heard me call her she only giggled from whenever she was upstairs. Letting out a tired breath from having to get up, I went off in search for her while following the sound of her laughter.

That was until it suddenly stopped and she let out a cry instead.

"Poppy?" When she started crying the usual panic whenever I heard one of my children crying surfaced inside me as I reached the door to the master bedroom.

"Mama." When I heard her whimper, I rushed over to where I found her crying on the floor. "Oh my baby, what happened?"

Dropping down next to her, I lifted her up onto the ottoman at the end of the bed so that I could scan her for injuries, only noticing a small scrape on her chin. "Did you fall my princess?"

Keeping hold of her I turned to look at the floor noticing the edge of the rug which she must have tripped over while she was running. "How many times have I told you not to run away from me?"

When I turned back to face her she continued to cry as she pouted her lips, making it absolutely impossible for me to ever be mad at her.

"It's okay baby, come on let me go and get you a bandaid and then we can have a bath?" When I suggested the bath to her she only started crying even louder causing me to wince at the sound. "Okay, okay, no bath."

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