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A/n: I'm skipping the Buckbeak thing but long story short: Harry held onto your waist when you went on Buckbeak he kissed your cheek when you were in the air above the lake then Draco got scratched cliché

Who can tell me what is in this Wardrobe? Lupin asked tapping it

"A Boggart" Hermione said after raising her hand

"And what is a Boggart?" Lupin asked

"Professor a Boggart is a shape-shifting creature that will assume the form of whatever most frightens the person who encounters it.. Like a poltergeist, a Boggart is not and never has truly been alive.. it is a strange non-being that populated the magical world. For there is no equivalent in the muggle world..that's why you can never see their true form"

"Well done Y/n 20 points to Gryffindor!"

"Now there is a special spell to make your fear turn into something funny repeat after me without your wands!"

"Riddikulus" we all repeated

"Brilliant! Hmm Neville what's your worst fear?"
"Professor Snape.." he mumbled
"What?" Lupin asked
"Professor Snape" Neville spoke
He chuckled "Yes Snape can be uhh quite questionable sometimes now I want you to remember your grandmother? Her clothes"
"She carry's a red hand bag-"
"No-no-no we don't need to know just imagine it"
Neville nodded

"Y/n McGonagall!" I stepped forward and put my wand in my right hand ready for whatever comes out
I saw my abusive father come out and he was hitting my. Mum and he threw me to the ground before my young self hit the ground I shouted
I saw me my father and mother playing I smiled with tears pooling in my eyes
"Right umm Harry Potter"
Harry patted my shoulder as I passed him I smiled and when I turned around Harry was on the floor and there was a 'dementor'
I ran to Harry but got stopped by Hermione and Ron they hugged me to make me stop I tried fighting out their grip but it didn't work the class now had no one in it now..

I sat in the hospital wing next to Harry singing to myself (play song now!)

"empty streets now"
"Where we used to love our hearts out"
"And now I'm dancing all alone.."
"Scared to go out on my own"
"This calming feeling faded"
"In the places we were happy once"
"It's stuck inside but never"
"And if I loose it all in a blink of an"
"Like a fire burnin' out in the night"
"And my heart stops beating"
"But something's screaming"
"Wish we didn't say goodbye~"
"Cause we're just standing still and I don't really know, what tomorrow holds"
"But I've, I've finally realised If this is our last goodbye until we're gone.. Who cares about the harms we caused ourselves"
"Cause I don't wanna watch the world end with someone else"
(Skipping to the chorus!)

"And if I loose it all, In a blink of an eye like a fire burning out in the night and my heart stops beating..but something screaming"

"And I- wish we didn't say goodbye! Cause we're standing still and I don't really know, what tomorrow holds"

Harry's POV:

I blinked my eyes open I looked around and saw I was in the hospital wing I looked next to me and Y/n was sound asleep in a chair next to my bed I smiled and stroked her hand with my thumb
Her eyes fluttered open "Oh- Harry hi!" She smiled giving me a hug
"Thank godric your ok! I was worried sick" she sat back down smiling
"Well I'm fine now arent I?"
She nodded

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