The attack

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Me and Harry have just put our trunks away and now we are heading towards the train
I looked forward and saw Hermione we caught eye contact and I started sprinting towards her
she was sprinting towards me
we crashed into each other and fell to the floor. Ron and Harry walked over to us laughing
"That must've hurt"
"Oh shut up Ronald" Hermione giggled
I helped her up and hugged her again
"Cmon let's get a compartment!" I said hoping onto the train

We were sat in a compartment with a man he looked like a new professor
"Let me get this straight Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban to come after you?" He said to Harry
"Ye" was all Harry said
"But they'll catch Black won't they? I mean everyone's looking for him" Hermione asked
"Sure" Ron said
"Except noones broken out of Azkaban before and he's a..mass murderer apparently"
"Thank Y/n" Harry said looking at me
"Just trying to defuse the tension" I said shrugging
The train then started screeching coming to a stop
"Why are we stopping? Cant be there yet"
Harry got up and walked over to the compartment door and opened it popping his head out
The train julted making Harry fall down next to me
"Ow" I said as the train made me bang my head he put a hand to my head "Are you alright?"
"Fine Harry fine" I said smiling he returned it happily
"What's going on?!" Ron said
"Dunno maybe we've broken down"
Then the train lights turned off I looked at everyone in the dark and they looked at me
"Well wouldn't be surprised right now"
"Ouch Ron that was my foot!" Hermione exclaimed
"There's something moving out there" Ron said with a voice crack
the lights flickered back on
we all looked out the window and the lights flickered off again
I woft of chills hit me and I looked at everyone who had the same expression the train julted again
I walked over to the window and put my hand on it after it started turning into ice "Ok I'm absolutely freaked out by now"
I banged on the window to try break some ice banging it harder and harder
"Y/n stop!" Hermione whisper yelled
I stopped and sat down next to Harry the train julted again
"BLOODY HELL!! WHATS HAPPENING" Me and Ron shouted at the same time
we then saw a hooded figure start to open the compartment door it's slender fingers coming round the door he started to..suck out Harry's soul I think I realised..A DEMENTOR- SHIT- I started to panic looking back and forth
I stood up at the same time as the man and blue lights shot out our wands making the dementor leave

Harry's POV

"Harry? Harry are you alright?" I heard a girl say it sounded like..Y/n..I groaned opening my eyes and seeing Hermione next to me holding my glasses which she handed to me
"Thank you" I said taking them and putting them on my face
"Here eat this it'll help. It's alright it's chocolate" The man who was recently asleep said giving me chocolate
"Wha- what was that thing?" I asked sitting up
Y/n and the man sighed "A dementor Harry.."
"One of the guards of Azkaban who's gone now searching the train for Sirius Black" The man finished
"Now if you'll excuse me I have to have a word with the driver" He said getting up and waking out he turned around "eat you'll feel better" he then walked away
"What happened to me?" I questioned
"Well you sorta went rigid we thought maybe you were having a fit or something"
"And did any of you three you know pass out?" I looked at the three Ron and Mione both looked at Y/n
"I was close..Me and the professor saved you tho" Y/n said smiling weakly

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