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The quior were singing I had my arms on the table crossed resting my head on them I was sitting across from Harry, Ron on Harry's left and Hermione sitting next to me on my left the quior is actually quite boring
The quior ended and Dumbledore was ready to make his speech
"Welcome welcome! To another year at Hogwarts. Now I'd like to say a few words before we all become to befuddled by our excellent feast. First I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post of DADA teacher. Good luck Professor Lupin.
He stood up and bowed everyone clapped and Snape clapped sarcastically what's up with him? I thought
"Potter. Potter!"
I looked behind Harry to see Malfoy leaning over to him and Harry and Ron turned around
"Is it true you fainted?"
His friend mimicked a dramatic fainting action
"I mean you actually fainted?"
"Shove off Malfoy" Ron sneered at the bleach headed ferret I glared at the bleach head and he glared back then a glass shattered next to him my eyes widened and Ron, Harry and Hermione looked at me I shrugged and looked down at my lap
"Fortunately I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid" Hagrid stood up knocking a couple goblets over I giggled and starting cheering loudest I looked down the table and saw Seamus who was next to George and Fred whistling standing up then he got pulled down one time they are being- RESPONSIBLE-
"As a request from the ministry of magic Hogwarts will until further notice play host to the Dementors of Azkaban until such a time Sirius Black is captured. Dementors will be located at every entrance of the castle"
I blocked out Dumbledore and looked at Harry he seems.. scared
I placed my hand ontop of his he looked over at me and I gave him a weak smile he returned it I rubbed his hand with my thumb and smiled then let go he grabbed my hand again and gripped it we caught each others gazes and smiled we looked at Dumbledore again whilst still holding hands
"But you know Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times when you only remembers to turn on the light"

We were now heading to our dorm I was lost in the crowd then Hermione nudged my shoulder "Hey!" I exclaimed
"Sorry but I just- did you see Harry! He held your hand!"
"So?" I replied
"Sooo he likes you!" Ginny said coming to my right I rolled my eyes "Yeah right!" I said starting to walk up the stair case with other Gryffindors
"Oh cmon you know he does the way he looks at you the way you look at him it's true lo-" Ginny got cut off by me turning around to someone calling my name
"Y/n!" It was my mother Minerva McGonagall although she had a Scottish accent and I didn't I didn't really care my father didn't have one he was British like me I looked back and saw all the Gryffindors look at me I shrugged and ran down the steps to my mother and hugged her "Hi mother"
"Hello did you have a good time with Potter and the Dursley's?"
"Same as every year.." I started to whisper "His aunt Marge called his dad a drunk"
"For all I know no Potter was ever a drunk" My mother said sharply I nodded and smirked
"I knew that mother also..can you tell Malfoy to stop being nosy?"
She nodded "of course dear now off to bed" I nodded then ran upstairs with Ginny and Hermione

We reached the top and Seamus said the password "Fortuna Major"
The fat lady kept screaming with a glass in her hand "she just won't let me in" he said stepping aside. Me, Harry, Ron and Mione were at the top then Harry said the password "Fortuna Major!"
"No wait wait listen" she started screaming making pictures cover their ears and everyone else covered their ears and groaned I felt someone out their hands ontop of mine I looked next to me and saw Harry I smiled weakly and he returned it I took his hands off and put them on his ears I held them there them flinched when I heard the smash of glass I remembered last night when Marge smashed the glass I felt my head go against someone's chest I looked up and saw Harry's face inches from mine I smiled and hugged him "Let us in! Fortune Major!" Harry raised his voice at the painting "alright go in!" She finally let us in "thank you" Harry said sarcastically

I went into the common room after getting in my pyjamas and I flopped on the couch and let my hands fall to my sides
"Someone looks tired" I looked forward and saw Harry sitting infront of the fire I hummed
"I said you look tired"
"Oh I'm not"
"Think someone's telling lies"
I giggled and walked over and sat next to Harry and held his hand leaning my head on his shoulder he put his head ontop of mine "you sure?" He asked rubbing his thumb on my hand I shook my head "no" he chuckled "sleep" I shut my eyes and was asleep in seconds

"Welcome my children in this room you shall explore the noble art of divination In this room you shall discover if you posses the sight. I am professor Trelawney together we shall cast ourselves into the future. Please take the cup of the person sitting opposite you"
Ron took Harry's I took Ron's and Harry took mine
"Truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book waiting to be read first you must broaden your minds first you must look BEYOND!"
"What a load of rubbish" Hermione said we snapped our heads to her
"Where did you come from?" Ron asked
"Me? Been here all this time" I saw her tucking something into her shirt it was a- time turner. Clever.
"Boy is your grandmother quite well" she walked to Neville
"I think so" he replied poor thing woman putting pressure on him when he parents are at St Mungos
"Wouldn't be so sure of that give the cup" she took Nevilles cup
"Ohh- pity"
I scoffed then whispered "Rude arse Professor"
"Woah!" She said walking towards Ron making us jump
"Your aura is pulsing dear are you in the beyond I think you are!"
"Sure" he replied
"Give the cup tell me what you see"
"Oh well uh" Ron said flipping through his book
"Harry's got a sorta wonky cross that's Charles and suffering and uh that there could be the sun that's happiness so you'll suffer but your gonna be happy about it?"
"Give the cup" the Professor said
She dropped it "Oh OH- my dear boy you've got the grim!"
"The grin what's the grin" seamus said
"Not the grin the grin you idiot" I exclaimed
"Taking form of a drive spectral dog it's among the darkest omens in the world" someone said
Me and Harry looked at each other "The dog..from a couple days ago Harry!" I whisper yelled
"Let's look in your cup dear what do you see?" The professor asked me passing me my cup that Harry had put on the table to inspect his own "I see um..I- HOLY-" WHAT- HARRY- I- UM- "What what did you see!" She asked
"I um- a face-"
"Who's face?!" I looked at the boys then at Harry then my cup
"I um- lets just say they are in this room.." I said putting my cup down

"Y/n who did you see in the cup?" Harry asked as we walked down to the woods where our next lesson was "Umm- I-" "Harry you can clearly see she doesn't want to say"
Hermione cut me off
"Umm-" I leaned over to Mione and whispered
"I saw Harry in the cup.."
"WHAT" Harry and Ron exclaimed
"Nothing she just said who she saw in the cup"
"How come she's allowed to tell you!?" Ron exclaimed "Because I'm her bestfriend and she's mine" Mione said proudly
"No I am!" Harry exclaimed
"Guys chill!" I tapped Ron's shoulder and he leant down I whispered to him "It was Harry he was in the cup"
"MERLI-" I put my hand over his mouth "shut up Ron!" I whispered

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