Part 8

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"Ohh, she looks gorgeous." Asha looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Yeah..." Arnav nodded in agreement with her, well that was quite surprising.

"I mean, you look absolutely breathtaking." He smiled as he looked at me, oh, this guy, and everything he did or said just gave me butterflies.

"Thank you." I blushed as I looked at the floor, I was kind of shy especially when the compliment was coming from Arnav. He was still staring at me, it was like he dint want to look away, well I was glad that I had his eyes stuck on me, that definitely had to mean something right?

I looked at him, he was dressed in his usual three-piece suit, it was navy and inside it he wore a white shirt and looked as hot as ever. This man could wear torn clothes and I would still find him hot, I was that smitten.

"So, shall we leave?" He asked, I nodded immediately so he led the way as I followed him out to the parking, he unlocked the white Mercedes and held the door open for me, I walked inside and settled down while he rushed to the other side, got in and then looked at me once again.

"I hope you're comfortable, I am so sorry I had no idea my mom would ask you to come along, it was totally unexpected. I hope they dint force you into it."

"No they didn't, they just asked me if I would like to accompany you and agreed, besides I got to wear this beautiful dress, so it's worth it." I giggled, honestly this dress was so pretty, and it looked so perfect on me, I was in love with it.

"I think it looks beautiful because you're wearing it." He smirked as he looked ahead, turned on the engine and drove off.

Wait, did Arnav Raizada just flirt with me? He also smirked, like his behavior today was completely different than all these other times we've been around each other.

After a short drive, we arrived at a five-star hotel, I think the even was supposed to be here, I dint even know what event it was, I hoped I wasn't going to get bored.

He led me to the banquet hall where the even was taking place, there were already so many businessmen present here, all dressed in perfect three-piece suits and with their plus ones dressed as beautifully as them.

"Look who's here." A man walked towards us, smiling at Arnav, he seemed to be of similar age to his, but he was a bit shorter than Arnav in height and he looked kind of tired as if he dint want to be here but was forced to come.

"Hello to you too." Arnav laughed as they both greeted each other with a hug, the guy then turned to look at me and stared at me from top to bottom which was kind of uncomfortable.

"And who is this gorgeous lady with you?" He asked still staring at me, okay bro, look away.

"She's a friend." Arnav looked at me and smiled.

"Where do you find yourselves such hot girls? I never find any." The man said, okay now he was making me completely uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, Mr. Mehta is calling me." Arnav shrugged as he held my hand and pulled me away from this creepy dude, I could tell from the way he was looking at me that he was kind of creepy.

"I am so sorry for that, he is known to be disrespectful towards ladies, I dint want you to spend any more time anywhere near him." Arnav said as we stopped quite far away from him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're here for me and it's my duty to make sure you're comfortable and you dint look comfortable around him."

"Okay." I nodded.

I mean wasn't he the perfect man ever? Like seriously, so far I hadn't even found one reason to dislike him or think otherwise about him, and that was bad for me because I kept on getting more and more attracted towards him whenever he did things like this.

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