I stared at her without blinking as she started speaking, it still felt unreal, like someone was going to wake me up and I was going to realize it was a dream, and once again all my hopes would be shattered, but this wasn't a dream, this was reality, Sona was right here, seated in front of me, and I didn't know how it was possible but that's why I was waiting for an explanation.
I wasn't the only one that was curious, my entire family was curious, everyone was staring at her just like I was, we all wanted to know how this was possible.
"The day of the accident, I really can't remember how exactly it happened, I was busy staring at my phone screen and then there was a blackout, that's all I remember. After that, I woke up in a really strange place, it was a white room with walls made of cushion or something, you know the kind where they put someone that's trying to hurt themselves? There was no window or anything, just a camera in one corner.
I was confused, I had no idea what had happened or how I ended up there, I mean I was coming to meet you and then all over a sudden I was in this strange place, nothing made sense, that was until the door opened up and this man walked in." she explained.
"What man?" I asked curiously, all this sounded like a thriller movie.
"I didn't know him then but he was someone involved in trafficking, he would lure in naïve girls and sell them off, he was from the underworld. At First I was confused, because no one had really lured me here or anything, I met with an accident and then the next moment I was there, in that weird room, I was scared for life.
He told me if I cooperated, I won't get hurt because whether I did or not, I was going to be sold off anyway. It was so scary Arnav, I didn't know how I had gotten into that mess that was until he explained that the people he was selling me off to had seen me and they wanted me. I mean I was a model, of course people saw me, I never thought it would end up landing me in such a mess, I hadn't ever heard of something like this happening before." She shivered like she was still scared, I was completely shocked, this wasn't something I would have expected. I thought even though we all thought she was dead, it was maybe because she wanted us to think so and not because of scary stuff like this.
"The world out there is so cruel, why would anyone think I was their property and just buy me or sell me? I was just following my dreams, living my life, how was I supposed to know it would land me there?" She cried, I moved closer to her and held her trying to calm her down, anyone would be traumatized after experiencing such a thing.
"Who was this person that wanted you? That went to such extreme lengths to have you?" I asked.
"He was some Italian gangster, he must have seen me in some fashion show or something and... it was a torture Arnav, all this time in his cage, trying so hard to escape. I mean this kind of stuff happened in movies right? Why was it happening to me in real life? It sounded so unbelievable" She broke down as she hugged me tightly.
"I didn't know what to do, nothing made sense and like the guy said, I was sold off to this Italian gangster in some days, I was kept unconscious the whole time so I really have no idea how I was take to Italy or anything.
The next time I woke up it wasn't in a strange room, but a really huge bedroom, it seemed like a normal place, only very luxurious. If you were there you wouldn't believe it was some gangster's house, that was until I walked around and saw guards and every corner of the house holding guns, I was terrified.
Then, I met him, he was this six feet tall guy with brown eyes, he didn't look like a gangster even, he was dressed in a suit and just from everything I saw, I couldn't believe that he could have gotten me kidnapped and sold to him."

Love Me.
RomanceHe is calm and composed, she's loud and bubbly, It's like they fit into each other's lives perfectly, but he is not looking for Love and Love is all she wants. While they battle their feelings, the past shows up unannounced and he is trapped choosin...