Part 12

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To say I was restless would be an understatement, quite honestly, I dint have a word to describe what I was feeling at the moment, I was confused, I was happy, I felt butterflies, I was overwhelmed, let's just say I was feeling everything.

Yesterday Arnav had been acting all cute and flirty with me and I dint really know what to make out of it, was he actually flirting, or was he just being nice and I was misunderstanding things? I wish he could tell me clearly what he was up to.

I sighed as I looked around feeling tired, it was still pretty early in the morning and I felt tired already. Yesterday, for the haldi function, the whole decoration was in the theme of yellow and white, today it was supposed to be all colorful, so that's what I was currently working on.

Sonali was going to arrive soon and soon the guests too would start arriving so I had to make sure everything was done on time, and instead of concentrating a hundred percent on my work, all I could think about was Arnav and the hint he was or wasn't giving me.

Why couldn't he just directly tell me something like, hey Khushi, I like you so I'm going to flirt with you, at least then I wouldn't have to wonder whether he was actually flirting or just being nice and friendly.

A few ladies passed by me holding big plates that had henna cones arranged in them, they smelled so good, I loved the smell of henna, I loved applying it and I thought it was beautiful how they wrote the husband's name on the bride's hand with it, it was so cute.

I looked at my palms and just imagined how beautiful they would look with henna applied all over and somewhere in between the designs, would be Arnav's name.

Okay, I accept it, I am officially screwed, I've known this guy for a couple of weeks now and I can't stop obsessing about him, I am always thinking of him and yearning to see him, and now I'm even imagining his name written on my hand with henna, like seriously? What sort of magic was he doing on me?

"Miss Khushi." He waved his palm in front of my face, I smiled as I looked at him, now I was even dreaming about him, I was going crazier by the day. God help me.

I turned around and started walking away hoping I would actually put my mind to work so I wouldn't imagine impossible scenarios that involved him in my neither and neither would I day dream about it. I took like two steps when I heard him again. Okay Khushi, now you really have to do something about this.

"Hey, now you're ignoring me?" He asked.

Wait. Was it really him? I thought I was day dreaming. I turned around immediately and looked at him, yes he was right there, standing in front of me all dressed up for the function, and I still wasn't sure whether he was actually here or just in my mind.

He was dressed in a pastel pink kurta, it was a pretty light pink, it almost looked white, basically white with a tint of pink, he was almost matching with me today as I had also worn pink, just that my outfit was a bit darker pink than his.

He was dressed in a pastel pink kurta, it was a pretty light pink, it almost looked white, basically white with a tint of pink, he was almost matching with me today as I had also worn pink, just that my outfit was a bit darker pink than his

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