𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 ✿

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its midnight yet y/n can't even get a wink of sleep. she still wasn't used to the new environment. this comfy expensive bed? never in her life sleeping in such expensive bed with a luxury room. she was still in amusement and plus, she can't stop thinking about what Mr. Jung's plans.

she's worried to death. sure, she doesn't meet the Kangs for long but she already comfortable enough with them. they already treated her so nicely as if she just their daughter, and y/n can't be any more grateful. its been a long time since she received parents love and she is completely overwhelmed.

she thought that maybe she can take a tour in this mansion since she hasn't see most of the mansion yet. who knows if she found something exciting?

she leaves her room quitely, tiptoeing carefully to not making any sound since she doesn't want anyone to wake up because of her. although her head is still a little bit stinging, she encourage herself to walk as straight as possible.

she goes downstairs to meet a sight of no one there, not even taehyun. she knows that the Kang's has a huge garden at the back of their mansion but she never once go there. she just happened to pass by and not gonna lie, she's kinda curious.

so, she slided the glass door opened to meet a beautiful sight of garden full of colourful flowers and she's completely dumbfounded.

eventhough it was dark, she can see everything so well. theres even a bench under the huge tree and she can't help but to smile widely at the breathtaking sight.

the cold breeze of wind made contact with her bare skin, making her shivered lightly. she brushed her hands on her arms, trying to get rid of the cold.

she yawned a little, feeling sleepy all of sudden. thinking that she might need to go sleep already, she makes her way back to go inside when her ears caught some sniffles making her halts her steps.

out of curiosity, she wandered around the garden even more and not long after that, her eyes caught a glimpse of someone behind a huge tree.

she knows who is it. she knows too well.

" taehyun?"

taehyun shot his red puffy eyes opened when he heard the familiar voice not far from where he seats.
" taehyun.."

the voice called again, this time getting nearer and nearer. taehyun does not reply, probably embarrassed. ihe buried his head further more between her knees, not wanting y/n to see his tears stained face.
" hey, is everything fine?"

y/n took a seat next to taehyun. however, the boy didn't even bother to reply. his hiccups getting louder, making y/n even more worried than she already was.

hesitantly, she rubbed the boy's back in circles slowly, whispering him some assuring words and she knows its working when the cry dies down not long after that.

" hey taehyun, tell me. is everything alright?"

slowly, the said boy looked up. y/n's eyes eventually met the boy's teary one. without any second thought, she pulled the boy into a warm hug, her hands rubbing his back again.

" its okay. everything will be okay." she keep repeating the same words.

" i-i'm scared..what if we fail.." taehyun said barely above whisper, tightening the hug even more. god knows how much he needs the hug. he don't even know he needs it until y/n gave him one.

y/n froze there, not knowing what to do. its taehyun we're talking about. Everyone knows him as the strong, cool dude but this side? no one ever see this side of Taehyun except for y/n but she's glad that taehyun trust her enough to open up with her.

" i know, everything will be fine i promise. I'll help you. we'll make it together." she whispered softly in order to calm him down.

" its embarrassing." the boy forced a smile as he pulled away from the hug, wiping off his remaing tears.

" why?"

" i dont know why did i cry i'm-"

" taehyun, its okay to cry. you don't have to act tough everytime. remember, everytime you feel like crying, i'll always be with you. you have my shoulder to lean on. its okay to not be okay."

she flashed him a genuine smile.
" alright?"

" alright." he returned the smile.


" good morning, y/n." Mrs. Kang greeted her happily as she saw the girl came out from her room right after taking the bath.

" goodmorning mom and Mr. Kang." she flashed them a sweet smile, taking a seat on the huge dining table.

" Mr. Kang? no no you can call me dad."

" A-alright d-dad.." she awkwardly said, cheeks tinted with different shades of red, still not used by the sudden treatment. this is too nice to be true.

" eat up, y/n." since she's starving to death, she doesn't even argue anything and started eating the simple breakfast provided by the maids. its been too long since she eats proper breakfast and she's very much thankful for this once.

" thank you, mom and dad."

" no problem, dear. we treat you like a daughter already." Mrs. Kang words make her smile sheepishly. she wasn't expecting this at all. she is genuinely happy. It is undescribable.

" oh right! how are you feeling now?" Mr Kang asked, stuffing another spoonful of his meal.

" its getting better than before." she smiled, taking a sip of her drink.

" good, i hope you will get better soon." a sudden silence occupied the dining room but not until Mrs. Kang decided to shot her another question.

" do you see taehyun?"

" nope at all today. maybe he's anywhere in the mansion." she answer honestly.

" really? he must be in his studio"

" he has a studio?"

" well yeah, its his 18th birthday gift you know. oh, you know what? a week after he received the gift, he doesn't even leave the studio. He even sleep there."

y/n couldn't help but to giggle lightly, finding the story rather cute. She just know and understand how much the boy's in love with music.
" he must love the studio so much then"

" he does. he really loves the studio. he even recorded some selfmade song but never once show us. i wonder how the songs sound though."  Mr Kang slightly giggled, shakes his head and a smile not leaving his lips.

" oh, doesn't he say that he will be showing the song to the love of his life?"

Mrs. Kang words made y/n flinched a bit. she's not going to admit but, the thought of taehyun with someone else might or might now making her dissapointed a little.
" r-really?"

" yeah, but until now he never once has a girlfriend. not that no one wants him, but he rejected literally everyone who confessed to him." Mrs Kang shakes her head in dissapointment.

the info somehow made y/n a bit stunned. why? because she wasn't expecting someone as good looking as taehyun never once has a girlfriend. What? Is he that heartless to not fall for anyone. or he's perhaps...gay? maybe?

" he will definitely show the song to someone he loves, or someone important to him." Mr Kang said.

someone he loves and important? who could be so lucky to be loved by taehyun? for some unknown reasons, y/n's desperate to know. who's taehyun soulmate?

Just few more chapters until we know what the Kangs did to the Jungs 🤩🤩🤩
This book getting ridiculous day by day lmao 😭😭😭

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