𝙎𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙢 ✿

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" MOTHERFUCKER ISTG IF WE GET SUED FOR THIS" her grip on the car's steering tightened even more, increasing the speed of the car to the fullest.

" FUCK IM NOT GOING TO DIE FOR THE SECOND TIME" taehyun screamed, gripping his seatbelt tighter than before as he closed his eyes shut. not gonna lie, he's frightenef at this is extreme as fuck.

" woah this is awesome! this is my first time driving!" y/n happily said, resulting taehyun to shake his head multiple times, eyes still closed tight.

well, since they have no transport to go to whenever taehyun's parents is located right now, taehyun had to briefly teach y/n how to drive because thats the only way they can reach there fast. he only taught her few basic things that he knows only.

they obviously aren't going to use the bus because that's going to be late as fuck so they decided that maybe y/n could drive. read it carefully. maybe. she has no license, of course. but thats not the point here.

" taehyun check the location again." y/n ordered as her eyes focusing on the road, driving as best as she could. foetunately enough for her that there's not too much car on the road now, giving her access to drive freely.

a smug smirk plastered on her face as she imagining herself in race with other cars there.

" Y/N BE CAREFUL YOU ALMOST HIT THE CAT!" Taehyun shouted before proceeding to open the phone with his shaky hands. his breath hitched,  heart almost drop from having a heart attack.

" oh fuck yeah. don't wory that won't happen again." she silently huffed before increasing the speed of the car even more.

taehyun tried to not focus on the car as he started to aggressively tap on the phone's screen to get the access his parents location.

" i think they are at the abandonded house near the woods." he said, trying his best to stay calm because they were obviously at the edge of dying with how fast y/n drives the car right now.

" fuck, what? thats so far" she gritted her teeth, getting annoyed. how could they even bring them that far?

" SHIT! BE CAREFUL!" taehyun shouts again when few honks from other cars that passed by their car can be heard along with some curses, saying that she should drive carefully. his grip on his seatbelt tightened even more, getting anxious.

" oops- sorry." she said between her giggles before focusing back on the road. but the speed of the car didn't even slow down a bit, making taehyun mentally cursed himself for suggesting y/n to drive at the first place. that's obviously not safe. this is going to be the first and the last time he's letting her drives.

" taehyun, hold tight!" she simply said before going to full speed, making taehyun screams on top of his lungs as he closed his eyes, completely done with whatever. not feeling safe at all.


" is this really is the place?" she get out from the car, eyes wandering around the woods, trying to find the said abandoned house.

well, they're sure stupid enough to not turn off the phones that they can easily track their location just like that.

" o-oh taehyun! are you okay?" she immediately ran to him as the boy stumbled on his knees.

" fuck, i'm getting dizzy. I'm never letting you drive ever again." he shakes his head few times in order to try getting rid of the dizziness.

" huh? why not? I think i'm a good driver." she slightly huffed, earning a scoff from none other than Taehyun.

" you're cute and so ever but remind me to not let you drive ever again." he said mindlessly before walking away pass her leaving a dumbfounded y/n behind who's now face flushed red. cute? what's that for?

an ugly smirk appeared on his face upon seeing her all flustered. he bit his lower lips, refraining himself from laughing. " are you just going to stand there or are we going to save them?"

his words snapped her back into reality immediately as she blinked her eyes multiple times. " oh! wait for me"


" i did call the police but it'll take long for them to arrive. this place is not easy to find."

they both were hiding behind the bushes and tree, not wanting for anyone to see them. both were in deep thought, not sure about their next move.

" we can't just stay here." taehyun said out of nowhere, making y/n averted her full attention towards him.

" i know but, i'm just a girl. i can't do more." she lets out a deep sigh, feeling bad that she couldn't help that much.

what about taehyun? very bad because as days passed, his abilities has start to fading little by little. meaning, he can't do much anymore. he might be strong enough to knock out everyone but his body has it own limit.

as much as Taehyun wants to kill Mr. Jung right now, he can't knowing that if he did, he'll be straight up receive his punishment and his mission will be counted as fail─── he can't be human again and all his hard works are going to be wasted which he don't want, of course.

" unless..." she said again, making taehyun shifted his gaze back to the girl who seems to be getting an idea as her lips curved into a small smile.

" unless?"

" unless if you get into me again!" she exclaimed excitedly but still mantaining her voice's volume, not wanting to grab anyone's attention towards them.

" what? no!" taehyun was quick enough to reject the idea, scrunching his nose in disbelief. he already did one and he don't want to do it again.

" please, taehyun. as you said, we can't just stay here!" she linked her arm with his, shaking him slightly in order to convince him again.

" but-"

" please? do you want to stay here any longer without doing anything? what if we late?" taehyun sealed his lips quite as her words keep lingering on his mind.

what if we late?

a part of him know that the truth of her words but a part of him also know that doing that will be going to hurt her more. especially when taehyun will be using alot of her energy. what if she ends up passing out and not waking up for days? who is him going to blame for that? he hates hurting her but what could he do right now? much more worse when the girl right here keep pleading like this.

what should he do?

JSJSJSJSSJ just a lit bit more until we arrive there 🤡
Thanks for reading anygays the next one will be posted later 🤡❤

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