the down low

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hey everybody omg aNOTHER book wow yes let's move past the horror and acknowledge that there will never not be enough unfinished books in the world.


okay so . . . hi. welcome aboard. have a cuppa chai. i hope you like cardamom. we also have hot chocolate if that's your fancy. are you comfortable? okay good.

so, this is the situation: I am currently not having a great time life-wise and am filled with a lot of sadness a lot of times, so i thought i need to spruce myself up. what better way to be 'sprucened up' than to start a book on wattpad and subject myself to public accountability (lols).

jokes aside, i really want to try something now. i feel really disconnected from everything good inside of me and i want to piece myself back together. so i have 'vowed' to start a regular morning routine which mainly comprises of [me] + [waking up for fajr prayer] + [adhkaar] + [some quran time] + [ a good breakfast]. if i can get this done consistently then i deserve all the gold stars.

this may obviously extend to more than just a morning routine but hey, let's keep it one step at a time.

(also, yes, for those of you new here hi, i am muslim and fajr is one of our five daily prayers and yes i chose this as the stepping stone to finding my peace of mind because after considerable deliberation i have concluded that i, personally, need god to function so yes)

i will also be posting random poetry daily. also random musings. lessee. 

you are all welcome to join me there is an early bird discount of 100% off for the first 100 participants lols.

[this is not a serious book but let's hope it's an honest one. inshaAllah.]

okay then! bismillah.


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