Day 2

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(or: how to define a 'good day')

   Today I went for work and did what I could. I returned home, made a cup of tea, did my laundry, folded a few clothes, washed all the dishes. Then, I took a nap.

   I woke up roughly 402 hours later.

   afternoon naps have always sucked the life out of me. It's either a ten minute 'ummm' or a three-hour REM cycle. There's no in-between. And although I woke up feeling groggy and miserable about lost time, I took a minute to piece my brain back together and really look at what I'd done.

   Sure, I'd taken a nap that might very well cost me my night's sleep, but I also did have a really good nap. In the sense that, after a long week of hard and good work, I was tired and deserving of rest and maybe I got it sooner than expected but alhamdulillah for those hours of solitude that many people consider a luxury. Alhamdulillah for the comfort, the quiet, the husband. So what if I didn't spend my time more productively; I did spend it doing something equally beneficial. And I still have so much precious time.

   Which brings me to our poem of the day, and obv another favourite of mine. It's gentle and fruitily delightful. The Orange by Wendy Cope.

 The Orange by Wendy Cope

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   So often in our race to tick all the checkboxes of our lives, we fail to savour the quieter moments. If you have had a great day today, good for you. If your day has been rather mediocre, still, that's twenty-four hours and even one minute spent in contentment would have been worth it.

   I challenge you to recount the things you have done or may have wanted to do today and place them in the scales against all the ways you have been blessed today. I've had my evening cup of sweet black tea and now I'm off to do work. I hope you have a good day 😊



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