Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Eleanor slipped out the back door of The Hackney Saloon and Brothel. She needed sunlight and air and neither of those things were going to be found if she remained locked in her bedroom. It was nearing lunch and she had dressed in the most modest and decent pink short-sleeve blouse and black wool skirt she owned in an attempt to camouflage herself among the other townsfolk. With her blond hair pulled back on her head, a lack of paint on her face, and her modest clothes she resembled any other lady walking down the street.

Her stomach rolled. The nausea was not easing. Though whether it was the pregnancy, her own nerves, or a combination of the two—Eleanor couldn't be sure. Her reason for walking into town wasn't just air. She needed to stop at the apothecary and get the herbs necessary to end a pregnancy. Her pregnancy. Could she do it? She still wasn't certain. Did she have any other choice? She wasn't certain of that either.

Wrapping her arms around herself, Eleanor made her way to main street and headed for the doctors' office and apothecary. Lewis, the doctors' nephew, was standing behind the counter. He frowned when she walked in.

"Can I help you, ma'am? I don't believe I've seen you around before."

He had. He had even paid for her services a time or two. But he wouldn't recognize her outside of her work costume and make up out in the broad daylight dressed as a lady. "I was wanting to purchase some herbs," she replied, wringing her hands as she held them down in front of her. "I'm hoping you might have them in stock."

"Of course, ma'am. We carry a wide selection. Is there a particular herb you're needing? If you tell me what you need it for, I can help you choose the best herbal medication for you."

Eleanor shook her head. "I know what I need." She glanced around the storefront at all the bottles laid out for display. Her hands were shaking as she wrung them so tightly it caused pain. "I need some rue if you have some."

His friendly eyes widened slightly as he pulled off his glasses and wiped them with his shirt sleeve. "Rue? We don't get many requests for that herb, ma'am. It can be quite dangerous. May I ask what you're using it for."

Eleanor was not about to utter the truth. She licked her shaking bottom lip. "I have stomach issues from time to time and it helps with those."

Lewis shook his head, setting his spectacles back on his nose. "I don't know many doctors who are giving rue for stomach upset. It truly is a dangerous herb, ma'am. There are much gentler methods to soothe your stomach. Peppermint is often...."

"I don't want peppermint," Eleanor quickly snapped with a stomp of her foot, cutting him off and causing his jaw to drop. She swallowed hard and tipped her head. "Lewis, I want rue. Will you sell it to me or not?"

A shocked expression studied her closely for several moments. Then she saw recognition enter those eyes and she nearly turned and ran. "You're from the brothel, aren't you? Yeah, I recognize you."

Eleanor felt tears spring behind her eyes, though she fought them with everything she had. "Yes, Lewis. I work in the brothel. I hardly see how that has anything to do with this sale...."

"Rue is a very dangerous herb, ma'am. It can cause a lot of harm..." His gaze dropped to her stomach. "I beg of you to think through the choices you seem to be making."

Laying her hands on the counter, Eleanor stood her ground. "And I beg of you to use discretion. Will you sell me what I'm asking for or not?"

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