Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Cool night air blew across their bare skin as Samantha lay wrapped in Zachary's arms beside the river. The chill caused her to tremble and bumps to cover her skin. Zachary quickly grabbed the blanket laying discarded and forgotten beside them and wrapped it tightly around them.

"Better?" he questioned, his deep voice muffled in her hair as she lay upon his chest.

"It's going to be getting too cold at night for this soon," she stated, hating the truth.

Zachary used his free arm to toss a piece of wood on the roaring fire. "Until then, I'll keep you warm."

Samantha smiled and gazed up at the sky. The stars were bright dots in the black sky and the moon was full and shining. "The sky is beautiful tonight."

"I never feel more peaceful than when I'm laying with you in my arms this way. The night sky above us and the breeze blowing on our skin. You're my world, Sam."

Samantha raised her head and lost herself in those dark brown eyes, illuminated by the dancing flames beside them. How had she gotten so lucky? "And you're mine."

His hand cupped the back of her head and pulled her down, pressing their lips together and drinking her in. Slowly, he pulled away and she once again rested her head against his chest. She felt so relaxed and at peace that she nearly fell asleep until Zachary's deep gentle voice began naming constellations and telling stories about the stars.

At one point he paused and Samantha raised her head. "How do you know so much about the sky?" she asked, smoothing a lock of black hair from his brow.

His eyes never left the stars above them, and she could see a bit of pain etched in his face as his brow furrowed. "My mother. She loved the stars. My father bought her a telescope and she would sit outside for hours on clear nights with her books and study the sky."

"And she taught you?"

The ghost of a smile softened his face. "Yeah. Learning the constellations and planets from her is one of the best memories I have of my mother."

Sam kissed his stubbled jaw. "Then I'm glad you have that memory. Where is her telescope now?"

A sigh heaved from his chest. "Gone. It was stolen when.." His voice tightened. "Well, it was stolen."

Samantha laid her head back on his chest and caressed his stomach with her fingertips. Damn Clinton Matthews and his men for taking so much from Zachary. Not only did they take his family, they also had to take his favorite memory and taint it.

After a few more moments of silence, Zachary went back to talking about the sky. Samantha simply listened. She felt more than blessed to have Zachary opening up and sharing with her. She knew it was hard on him to speak about his family and the memories he had of them.

"Tim and I have to make a trip to Anbarina in a couple of days."

Zachary's sudden change of topic had Samantha frowning. "You do?"

"We have to pick up a load of things for their house since construction is complete and we need to sign some contracts with the army for cattle and wheat for the next couple of years."

Samantha nodded. Timothy and Eleanor had been living with them for about a month and a half as their house had been built. Samantha had loved having the company of another woman during the days—though Eleanor's pregnancy was taking a toll on her and she was on fairly strict bedrest. Samantha spent her days making sure Eleanor was taken care of—at least until Timothy came home from working on the house and took over. He truly was a devoted and loving husband. Eleanor could not have done any better.

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