Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

"There you are!" Samantha exclaimed gently as she leapt from the bench she'd been sitting on and rushed toward Tim and Eleanor. "Are you okay?"

Timothy smiled at the woman who had quickly become his sister in the short time that he had known her. She was beautiful, kind, patient, and strong while also being one hell of a protective firecracker when need be. So much about Sam reminded Tim of Evelyn Marston. Zach was a lucky man and Samantha was good for him.

He gave a squeeze to the soft hand wrapped firmly around his own and swallowed hard against the emotion rising in his throat. He had gotten pretty damn lucky himself.

"We're fine," Eleanor spoke up, sounding quiet and embarrassed. "Sorry I worried everyone and made you wait."

Samantha's smile was warm. "Don't you worry about that. We didn't mind waiting just so long as you're okay now."

Tim heard Zachary grumble something under his breath as he tugged at the collar of his starched shirt. Samantha shot the man a warning glance but was nothing but bright smiles when she turned back to Timothy and Eleanor. "No more running off, Eleanor." She stated firmly. "You deserve this."

"Damn right she does," Tim agreed.

Eleanor's answering smile was shaky and her blue eyes were damp but her tone was sure when she said, "I know."

"Are you ready ladies and gentlemen?" the preacher called out. "The hour is growing late and this groom is getting more impatient by the second. The bride may have to resort to holding him down once again if we don't get him married."

Eleanor's eyes widened and Timothy laughed. "Hold him down?"

Sam's cheeks reddened. "He's stubborn and tired of waiting."

"I'm not the only stubborn one in this relationship," Zachary assured her.

Tim glanced down at Ell to find her smiling back at him. His heart seemed to somersault in his chest. Damn he was in love with this woman. "We're ready," he assured the preacher, leaning down to kiss Eleanor's brow.

"Been ready," Zachary agreed gruffly.

Again, Timothy laughed. His best friend certainly had never had much in the way of patience.

The four of them took their places before the preacher. With fireflies dancing around them, the sound of the fountain trickling nearby, and faint saloon music floating on the cool evening breeze vows were spoken. They were simple words and had been spoken by countless people countless times before them but never had they been spoken with more conviction than at that moment in that park.

When the time came for Tim to kiss his bride, sealing the vows they had just shared, he did so without hesitation knowing that for the rest of is life Eleanor's soft gaze and warm lips would be all he would need to survive.

"Do we all want to go get something to eat?" Samantha offered after the preacher had gone and they were standing together in the glow of oil lamps.

Timothy was a bit hungry and food didn't sound bad—or maybe he was simply delaying taking Eleanor to the hotel because he was nervous as hell. He loved the woman and he wanted her something fierce but what if he disappointed her? Ell had been used and abused by so many men for so long—himself included. Timothy wanted to show her a different side of what happened between a man and a woman but how could he when he himself had never truly experienced it? He'd never cared about the women before, never taken the time to show them pleasure—Dear god what if he messed this up? What if he disappointed his wife?

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