II - XVIX:「Columbines and Purple Hyacinths」

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❝The cat goes round and round,
They will never be able to find their way out of this maze❞

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King's Cross Station was busy as usual; muggles pulling their trolleys, carrying their bags, and dragged their feet across the cement pathway to their destined location of where the trains stop and go.

Among these crowds were two (H/C) haired children, beaming up at the people who passed them by with admiration sparkling through their lively (E/C) eyes.

"Woah! So many people here today!" A certain twin exclaimed, tiptoeing themselves to make them look taller as they scanned the crowd; many of which, were children who seemed to be on the same age as them. "I miss going to a normal school already!"

(Y/N) Rosewood whined and dramatically leaned themselves on their twin brother's shoulders, whose name is Alem Rosewood.

"Get off of me, (Y/N)." He said as he rolled his eyes and pushed his twin off of him. "You only miss going to a muggle school because you like messing with the teachers there."

"(Y/N)!" Aurelia gasped, looking down at her oldest child with a surprised and somewhat offended look.

"Alem!" (Y/N) flushed, their cheeks becoming red in embarrassment. "You said you wouldn't snitch on me!"

"Oh, don't worry," Alem silently chuckled, "It's not like we're still attending the school."

"You better tell me what kind of tricks you were doing to these teachers, (Y/N)." Lawrence scooped his oldest child off of the ground and ruffled their hair. "Depending on the severity, your punishment when you get back home will differ."

"Aah! No! I wasn't doing anything that bad, I swear!" (Y/N) exclaimed as they tried to pry their father's hands off of their head. "Please don't hide Walter from me again! I can't bear to see him disappear for two entire days, especially if I don't know where he's gone to!"

"Mistress, should we interfere?" Wallace walked up from behind Aurelia, watching the two chaotic Rosewoods bicker dramatically. "It seems that we're getting some attention from the muggles."

"Oh, Wallace." Aurelia nodded and acknowledged his presence. "Please do. As much as I love seeing my two idiots bickering, we're already behind schedule."

"I'm going to have to apologize to those teachers before we head home." Aurelia face-palmed with a sigh. "Alem, why have you not told me about this before?"

"I apologize, mum." He smiled up at his mother. "But, I do assure you that (Y/N) hasn't done anything that caused these teachers any harm; the teachers mostly saw it as playful teasing of an eleven year old child."

"Still, you should have told me; harmless or not, I don't want any of you causing any trouble to teachers or any of your peers." Aurelia sighed once again.

"I understand, mum." Alem said with a nod before turning his head over towards (Y/N), who was throwing small punches towards Lawrence's stomach. "Hey, (Y/N)! Did you hear what mum said?" He yelled.

"Yes, I heard it!" They replied as they continued to punch, but Lawrence doesn't even seem affected and could only laugh at his child's attempts to hurt him.

"But, Ms. Biggs clearly deserved to get those nasty zits after she embarrassed Alem in front of the whole class!" (Y/N) added, "What kind of a teacher does that to a student?"

(Y/N) then paused, surprise and realization flashing through their eyes for a brief moment as they lowered their arms and scanned the area quizzically.

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