II - XXI:「To The Malfoy Manor」

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This chapter has a lot of cursing in it.
Like, a lot.
Probably the first chapter in the second year that has a lot of curse words in it.
Voldemort would be shaking.

❝Unless it's me, I don't approve anyone who you have feelings for.
Should I just get rid of them?❞

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The summer heat almost seemed unbearable as (Y/N) and Alem were sprawled on their sofa, watching a random television show that was on during this time.

The fact that it was currently around 13 PM (1 pm) didn't help.

The siblings continued their summer... well, normally. Nothing unusual really happens to them; they just visit Zeke daily (sometimes, in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon) and trying to finish the summer homework that their professors have given them.

While Alem was almost done, despite it still being the last week of June, (Y/N) had only finished one subject and never touched anything since. Their hardworking brother warned them that they should finish their homework as much as possible before they went back to Hogwarts, but (Y/N) always reassures him that they'll be able to get it done before that date which Alem (understandably) doesn't believe.

"Aah, I'm bored!" (Y/N) began to flail on their position on the sofa. Alem groaned and smacked their leg, making them stop throwing a mini tantrum.

"Stop that, will you?" He rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the tv. "You're not a child anymore."

"But it's boring, Alem." (Y/N) groaned, emphasizing the word 'boring' as they sat up on the sofa and hugging one of the pillows. "I wish I can just go out...side..." Their words trailed off as they remembered something that they were supposed to do during this summer.

"Hm?" Alem turned to look at his twin and became curious when he saw how thoughtful (Y/N) was all of a sudden.

Their face lit up as the older twin hopped out of the sofa and ran upstairs. "H-Hey, where are you going!?" Alem yelled and watched his sibling run off. The boy sighed and decided to not follow them since he knows that it's probably something ridiculous once again.

And ridiculous, it was.

(Y/N) grabbed a piece of parchment from their table and a quill. They immediately wrote something on the parchment, making them click their tongue on some parts due to some spelling and grammar mistake but they couldn't bother to erase them since the person who they'll be sending it to will most likely understand.

Speaking of letters, the Slytherin wondered why they haven't received any letters from Hermione or Ron. They understood why Harry was unable to send any letters, but they couldn't understand why Ron or Hermione wouldn't.

Maybe they were busy, (Y/N) wouldn't know. They just hope that Dobby wasn't intercepting their letters from their friends. There wasn't any reason for Dobby to 'protect' them though, was there?

After a few minutes of writing, (Y/N) put their quill down and held up the parchment, reading it for a while.

To Draco Malfoy,

Hey there, (Y/N) Rosewood here. So, you know that time were you asked me to go to your house during summer break and I told you that I'll be sending you a letter a week before I go to your house? Wel, I'm sending you this letter to tell u that I'll be coming over next week! Hope this isn't too sudden though but if you do have matters you need to attend to next week, send me a leter before I come over, will you? Thanks in advance!

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