I - III: 「A Close Call」

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- mentions of domestic abuse
- mentions of physical peer aggression

How the hell have you not learned yet that I am a jealous psychopath?

»»————- ♡ ————-««

I felt my legs wobble slightly as I try to keep (Y/N) falling from my back. They do weigh a lot even though they're small. 

I would glance over at the head of the Slytherin house, Professor Snape, from time to time. I didn't dare to speak because I was too intimidated to do so.

"What caused them to faint?" Professor Snape asked and broke the silence between us. I stammered for a moment before answering his question while looking down the floor. 

"I..don't know, Professor. But, for a moment, their eyes turned red before they fainted." I replied but after I replied, silence grew between the two of us once more.

I'm really doing a great first impression, aren't I?

Professor Snape stopped in front of a certain door. He swiftly opens the door and it revealed the Infirmary. 

Before I could admire how large the Infirmary is, Professor Snape walked inside and I followed shortly behind him.

I started to become tired as I adjusted (Y/N) behind my back to make sure that they wouldn't fall. Their entire weight was pushing down to my back and I'm pretty sure that I'll end up having a back stroke once I'm finished with all of this.

A female figure stepped out from behind the curtains, a small frown and a confused look on her face. She was wearing white colored clothes that greatly resembled like muggle healers. 

What do they call them again? Nurses?

Her hair was tied into a bun with some sort of a hair net enveloping her bun completely. 

"A student fainted." Is all that Professor Snape said to the mediwitch. She gasped lightly and immediately went to my side, eyeing (Y/N)'s unconscious body. 

"It's only the first day and someone already fainted?" Her frown grew wider, looking at Professor Snape with obvious doubt.

"I have duties to attend to. Please tend our new student with care." Professor Snape ignored the mediwitch's question of doubt and turned around to leave, his robe following his movement majestically. 

The doors to the Infirmary opened but was immediately closed as Professor Snape left the room without anything else to say.

The mediwitch sighed and turned to look at me. 

"Could you lay them down on the bed first? I'll prepare myself for a little bit then examine them to see what went wrong." She requested and of course, I complied with a quick nod. 

She turns around and walks towards her desk full of vials, potions and other stuff that seems to be a little dangerous for me to know about.

I walk over to the nearest bed and to its side. I turned around and tip toed closely towards the bed so that (Y/N)'s body will lay down on the bed. 

Once I made sure that their body was on the bed, I turned around and kept my firm hold at their shoulder and the back of their head. I gently lay them down on the bed and retracted both of my hands away from their body.

With a sigh of relief, I stretched and stood up straight to make my back feel better after being slouched just to carry (Y/N) for a long amount of time towards the Infirmary. 

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