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Almari Kloey Concepcion

Loud music with dancing lights surrounded by the crowd, some are drunk and wasted, some just want to chill and have fun, some are making out and of course some are crying. Oh well, where do broken hearts go?

I'm in a bar here in Toronto, Canada. I just came here because I attended a meeting then I got bored staying in my hotel so I decided to go to a bar. I can't remember when was the last time I relaxed and chill alone, I'm always surrounded by friends.

I was chilling, enjoying my bottle of rum alone as I roamed my eyes around the bar when my phone suddenly vibrated from my sling bag, 'Hey Girl, where are you?' a message from Freya, my friend since senior high. I type a reply instantly, 'I told you, that I'm going to Canada, right?' I rolled my eyes and put my phone on the countertop then it vibrated again. 'Oops! Ayain sana kita mag bar, you're not in the Philippines nga pala.' she replied, 'Pag uwi ko na lang, sige, got to go. Bye,' I replied then put my phone in my bag again.

I just continue drinking my rum, I have no plans of getting drunk because I'm alone and no ones gonna bring me to my hotel. Buti sana kung lalaki pa ako.

While drinking, I heard loud laughter from a group of guys at the table near me. I turned around, to face their table unconsciously, and I think it's a wrong move.

Tanginang buhay yan, of all places, sa akalain mong di ka pani-paniwalang lugar kita makikitang hayop ka.

I want to turn around and just go back drinking but I can't take my eyes off him. He's making out with a girl. And I can proudly say that I didn't feel any pain by watching him kiss another girl. It stings but oh well at least I'm not crying...unlike before. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

When I opened it again, I saw him looking at me with shock, I raised my eyebrows and throw him a questioning look. Parang 'di ka kinabahan self ah.

He stood up so he caught the attention of everyone at their table, especially the girl he's making out with. He looked at them, his mouth moving so maybe he's talking to them. Why the hell am I looking at him?!

I instantly turn around and just mind my own business. I was enjoying drinking alone already until someone seated beside me, I knew it's him. I can see him in my peripheral vision but I still continue drinking. His presence is suffocating but I still act like I don't care.

"If it isn't the great pretender, Almari," he said, sarcastically. My blood instantly boiled by what he just called me. When did I pretend to this motherfuker?

"If it isn't the retard asshole, Finneas" I sarcastically laugh. His face instantly turned dark. Always the first one na mapikon. I can't help but laugh inside my mind.

"Why are you here?" he asked,

"You sound like you own this place" I rolled my eyes and continued drinking.

"It's not mine, it's my brother's," he said with his 'as a matter of fact' voice

"So?" I raised my brows at him, getting annoyed because he's ruining my alone time.

"Just saying, tsk" he grimaces and looked away

"Seriously, why the fuck are you here sitting with me even you're friends are at the other table?" I asked, frankly.

He stared at my face but didn't say anything. I sighed and faced my rum again, he sighed and faced the countertop too.

"I just want to, pake mo?" he grimaced.

"Of course I care, baka kase ako yung ginagambala mo" I glared at him.

"Nagpapagambala ka naman" he answered back.

"Can't you just go back to your friends and leave me alone?!" I said, annoyed already.

"Why would I do that? Bakit di ikaw ang umalis?" He said, annoying me more.

To avoid getting more annoyed, I stand up and find another place to sit, I found one so I sat there. I can't help but think of what just happened. I mean, he's really here?!

I just sat there, drinking. I can feel the liquor's effect already. Is it okay if I get drunk?

I smiled at that thought. I was a man, I can still protect myself, I just had a vagina and my boobs done. I still have the strength of a man. I laugh at myself not minding if I look crazy.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" I heard his voice again that make me come out from my reverie

"Why the fuck do you care?" I asked back, then I faced him and raised a brow.

"Uh? I just asked I didn't say I care?" He rolled his eyes and he sat beside me. Okay, he won.

"Did I let you sit?" I raised my brows

"Oh? You own the place?" he's smirking now. Argh! This fucker.

"Why don't you just go back there and continue making out with random bitches?!" I said, controlling my annoyance.

"You're jealous?" Then he laughed.

"Why would I?" I glared at him. Why can't he just get lost?!

"Ang selosa mo pa rin." Then he laughed again

"Selosa my ass. Can you get lost? I didn't come here to reminisce about the past with you" I rolled my eyes. I get the bottle of rum and poured some on my glass and then I drank it straight. I can feel its bitterness coating my throat. He grimaced and he drank the liquor on his glass too.

"Our past that full of lies?" He chuckled then his face turned emotionless "Spare me"

"Oh really? How about how shallow-minded you are?" I raised my brows at him, "Oh well, what should I expect with a retard like you?" I chuckled, I get my glass and drink the last shot then I stand up. "Hope this will be the last time I see you," I said and I was about to walk away when he talks

"I hope it's not" I looked at him and saw him smirking, I rolled my eyes and walked away.

As I lay on my bed, all I can feel is madness.

I wish I didn't meet him...

I wish I didn't love him.

Note from zariadeniseee:

Let's all welcome Almari Kloey Concepcion and Zyair Finneas Schneider!

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