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Marinette's POV:




That was the sound of my alarm going off. It was now Monday, two days after Nino's Party. I slowly dragged myself out of bed, and got dressed. For me, Mondays are living hell. It just reminds me of how much I have to do. All of my priorities come flooding back from before the weekend. The weekends are usually my only time to rest, and of course they go by really fast. 

I walked down the stairs, and into the entrance of my parent's bakery. My parents were setting up for the day of costumers. My dad was already in the kitchen, baking orders for today.

"Goodbye mama! Bye papa!" I shout to them as I'm walking out the door. 

Usually, I sleep through my alarm. I almost always get to school late. But, today I actually woke up on time. School started at 8:30am, and at the moment, it was 8:18. Thankfully, I live across the street from my school, so I can get there quickly. 

When I walk into the school, I quickly spot Alya talking to Nino. They were such a cute couple. She noticed me too, because she looked over and waved to me. I smiled and waved back, and started to walk over to them. Though, I also spot a familiar blonde across the room. He had some girl pushed up against the wall, making out with her. For some odd reason, I was jealous of that girl. I quickly shoved the thought out of my head, and continued walking to Alya.

"Girl, where were you on Saturday?" She asked me.

I quickly had to think of an excuse, I didn't want her getting the wrong idea.

"I-Um, I felt tired, so I went home. Sorry, I should've texted you." I replied.

"Damn right you should've! I was worried about you." She said back, playfully throwing an arm around my shoulder. I let out a little giggle.

The bell then rang, telling us to get to class. I look over my shoulder, and see Adrien and the girl separated and heading to their own classes. Suddenly, his eyes met mine.

Adrien's POV:

Her eyes, face, lips... they were all so mesmerizing.  I started deep into her luring, blue eyes. The memories of Saturday night came back to my mind. All weekend I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her petite body wrapped in mine. Her hair was soft as I rubbed my cheek on it. There was just something that kept drawing me back to her. Of course I always thought she was cute, but lately I've felt more connected to her.

I needed to figure out what it is soon. It's slowly driving me insane. Eventually, her eyes left mine, as she walked up the stairs with her friend Alya. If only that moment could've lasted forever.


Marinette's POV: 

The park. That's where I'm at right now. It's usually where I go to sketch new designs. Today was a perfect day too, not a cloud to be seen. I was sitting on a bench, working on my latest design. It was a lilac top that had showed a little bit of cleavage. I wasn't really planning on making it, just wanted to try something new. 

The park is always very calming. Even when there are kids running around screaming, or even when my day has been shit, coming here seems to always make me feel relaxed. 

"Hey Mari." I heard from my right.

It was Adrien, he was standing next to me with his hands in his pockets. He looked happy to see me.

"Uh-Hey Adrien. What are you doing here?" I ask, scooting to my left so that he had room to sit down. 

"I was bored, and saw a pretty, little lady sitting over here." He responded while sitting down. I giggled in response, going back to my design.

"What are you working on?" He asked, leaning in to sneak a peak.

"Oh, it's just a shirt." I said, showing him the drawing.

"Wow... I bet it'd look amazing on you." He said with a smirk, leaning back upright. 

"Eh, I don't know. I just think it's a bit revealing." I said unsurely.

"Yeah, you're right," He said, "I wouldn't want other boys staring at you know would I." He finished.

"You don't own me you know." I said with a small smile on my lips.

"A man could only dream." He replied, his smirk growing wider.

I smiled and my eyes widened, and a blush spread across my cheeks. He laughed a bit, and stared deeply into my eyes. His emerald irises, staring back at mine. 

"I-I better get going," I said, gathering up my things, "I don't want to be late for dinner. See you later." I said, waving while walking away.

"Bye, Mari!" I heard him shout to me from behind. 

Luckily he couldn't see the huge smile and blush on my face. Damn that boy has done something to me.


Marinette's POV:

"Alya, this is too confusing," I said in frustration, "I'll have to accept my fate and fail the test." 

"Come on! You just have to plug the numbers into the formula, just like I showed you." Alya replied, showing me how to do the problem.

Alya had insisted that she helped me study for our calculus final next week. I was terrible at math, and I always have been. Alya on the other hand, was a boss at math. I swear, she could be the next Einstein.  

"It's okay Alya, we can work on it more tomorrow. Besides it's already 9:28, my parents are going to be sleeping soon." I said, cleaning up the math notes.

"Okay girl, I'll see you tomorrow!" She said, waving and walking down my stairs.

Alya has been to my house plenty of times. She is basically family to me, and my parents love her. Alya just usually lets herself in, and sees herself out. 

I got ready for bed, and started to get comfy in my bed. I then hear shouting coming from Alex's room. I get up, annoyed, to see what the fuss was about. I walk into the hallway, and to his room. I open the door slowly, so see him and Adrien on the ground playing Monopoly. They both look up at me, Adrien immediately smiled at me.

"Could you scream any louder?" I ask sarcastically, "I'm trying to sleep." I say, frustrated.

"Yeah, sorry Mari." Alex says.

"Okay, goodnight." I say, walking out and closing the door.

The entire time I was in there, I could feel Adrien's eyes burning into my soul. It took a lot to not look at him. Because I knew that if I did, I wouldn't be able to look away. 

 Flopping onto my bed, I let out a sigh. I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep now because of a certain someone was on my mind. If only it wasn't so complicated. Who knows if he feels the same about me, he could just be trying to get into my pants. On the other hand, I'm thankful for Alex because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know Adrien at all. 

God this is all a big mess.


Awe they're in love!

(1202 words) 

My Brothers Best Friend ~ Adrienette AUWhere stories live. Discover now