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Marinette's POV: 

"Alya, are you sure you want to see this movie?" I asked reassuringly.

"Yes! It's going to be awesome!" She replied.

It was now Saturday, and we are seeing a movie. The movie we are seeing is a particularly scary one. To be honest, I hate scary movies. Alya said we're going with Nino and one of his friends. I don't know who his other friend is, but I don't really mind.

Soon, we arrived to the movie theater. We got our tickets, and food. Still, we haven't seen Nino and his friend. Alya made the decision to just go get our seats. She texted Nino to just meet us in the theater room.

After we sat down, we got settled in. Not too long after, we heard shuffling to our left. We both turned our heads to see who it was. It was Nino and his friend, who just so happened to be Adrien. I mentally cursed, my mouth agape with shock. 

"Hello ladies." Adrien said, while sitting down next to me.

Nino sat next to Alya, I turned to look at her. I gave her a questioning look on why she agreed on Adrien being here. She knows how much I hate him. Alya just mouthed a sorry to me, and went on talking to Nino. Slowly, I turned my head forward to the screen.

"So, I'm going to assume that you didn't expect me to be here." Adrien whispered into my ear.

"Not a clue." I replied, turning to him.

He chuckled, and relaxed in his seat. Honestly, I would've been more furious with the situation, but I was excited to watch a movie with Adrien. Not too long later, the movie started and the theater went quiet.


It's now an hour into the movie. I've been enjoying it, and not just the movie. Every once in a while, Adrien would brush his hand over mine or over my thigh. It sent chills rushing through my body every time. I could feel his smirking from a mile away. I knew he was enjoying this.

Just then, he went to adjust his sitting position. When he went to lay his hand back down, it landed directly on my thigh. It wasn't for just a split second, it was sitting there permanently. I sucked in a quick breath, still staring directly at the movie. He started to rub his hand up and down my thigh. Trailing his fingers up and down my leg. I couldn't take it anymore, he knew what he was doing. 

Suddenly, I stood up and walked out of the theater. My breathing slowly calmed down. I hope he doesn't think I'm mad. I wanted to go further, but obviously we couldn't. 

I walked into the ladies restroom. Luckily, it was empty. I looked at myself in the mirror. My mind was spinning with endless thoughts. Everything was chaos and calm at the same time. Suddenly, another figure entered the mirror. It stood behind me, staring into my eyes in the mirror. Adrien snaked his arm around my waist. His head bent down to be level with mine. Our eyes still connected through the mirror.

"Mari..." He breathed.

My breathe hitched. I didn't know what to do in this situation. I mean, who would. His nose nuzzled my cheek, making them turn into a rosy shade. I bit my lip out of nervousness. 

"Adrien," I said, he lifted his head up again, "what do you want out of me?" I asked.

I genuinely wanted to know. I didn't know if he actually liked me, or my body. Maybe he thinks I'd just be good in bed. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I turned my body to face his. His arm stayed on my back. He backed his face so that he could look me in the eyes.

"Mari, what do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean... Do you like me? Like really like me?" I asked, "Or, do you just want me for my body?" 

"Marinette.." He started. 

He reached his other hand up to caress my face. His eyes darted around my face. 

"I don't have the words to describe how much I care for you." He said, with a calm expression on his face.

At this point, I feel like I'm in a fairytale. His face just looked so perfect and relaxed. I dragged my eyes down to his pink, lush lips. I stared at them for what seem like ages. I just wanted to know what they tasted like.

So I did just that. I brought my hands up to his face, and connected our lips together. I could tell he resisted at first, but almost instantly relaxed again. Both of his arms were wrapped around my body. 

The kiss was passionate. A mix of aggression, and love. It was like he was pouring his heart out to me through the kiss. Using words I've never heard of. Sadly, the moment ended. We both pulled away, catching our breath. He was the first to smile, I then followed. He pulled me into a big hug. I could tell that he was very happy about this.

Honestly, I don't know how to go from this. We obviously can't tell my brother, or we'd both be dead.  He then lead me out of the bathroom and into the theater. We both arrived at our seats. Alya and Nino exchanged awkward glances, wondering where we went off to. Adrien and I just acted like nothin happened. Luckily they didn't ask any questions.


Well. That was my first kiss. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he kissed me. Or, well, I kissed him. That was really bold of me to do. I couldn't fall asleep that night. I kept replaying the moment in my head, wishing it would've lasted forever.

I'm confused and conflicted. I'm not going to lie and say that it's going to be easy from on out. It's going to be hard trying to keep Adrien and I a secret. I mean who even knows if we're going to be like, a couple. Or if it was just a one time thing.

Sometimes, I really just don't like dealing with things. Like sometimes, I wish all my worries would just leave.


Okay everyone. I'm VERY sorry for being inactive. I have been working on many projects for school. And studying for tests. My school has been in person for almost the entire year, so I'm only able to write in the afternoon. I also am doing sports, so I'm not always energized to write. Next week is my spring break, so hopefully a couple chapters will be posted then. Maybe another chapter will come out this week, but I'm not 100% sure of it. I will try my hardest though.

(1133 Words) 

My Brothers Best Friend ~ Adrienette AUWhere stories live. Discover now