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Narrator's POV:

"Marinette! You're going to be late for school if you don't wake up right now!" Marinette heard her mom shout from the living room. Suddenly, Marinette sat upright in her bed.

"Shit!" She whisper-shouted. Marinette started racing around her room trying to get ready on time. She ran down stairs and made it out the door at 8:27. School starts at 8:30.


Racing through the doors of the school, she sprinted up the empty stairs. Seeing as everyone has gone to class already, the halls were empty. Finally, Marinette made it to the entrance of her first class. She rested for a second, fixing her clothes and hair that were messed up from running. She then pushed open the door to the classroom. All eyes were then darted to her.

"How nice of you to finally join us!" Ms. Bustier said sarcastically with a smile. Marinette then gave a little grin to her teacher. She walked up the small steps to her seat.

"Girl, you have got to start getting to school on time." Her friend Alya whispered over to Marinette, as she was getting her textbooks out.

"Tell me something I don't know." Marinette whispered back to her brunette friend. 


The rest of her classes went well. They were in science class right now, and almost falling asleep. Luckily, the bell startled Marinette enough so she didn't fall asleep. 

"Oh my god, I am starving!" Alya said to Marinette, as they walked into the cafeteria.

"Crap! I forgot to get some money!" Marinette exclaimed after searching through her backpack. "Just wait here, I'll get some from Alex." She said, while walking over to her brother. Him and Adrien were sitting at a table in the corner.

"Do you have any extra money? I forgot to get some this morning." Marinette asked her brother.

"Sorry Mari, I don't. This is one of many reasons why you need to get your shit together in the morning." Alex said, while chewing on some chips.

"You asshole." Marinette responded, and rolled her eyes.

"Here, take it." Adrien said, while handing her a five dollar bill. She looked at him and gave him a small smile. Marinette then walked back over and joined her friend Alya who was in line waiting to get a lunch tray. 

Adrien's POV:

I watched as Marinette walked away from Alex's and I's table. She looked really good today. I mean, she looks good any day, but today she just looked so cute. The little smile she gave me warmed my heart, and made my cheeks a little pink. The way her hips swung as she walked. Her hair fell perfectly past her shoulders, framing her pale face. I hope Alex didn't notice my daydreaming.

"Hey, dude?" Alex said, which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hm, what?" I replied, bringing my attention back to him.

"I said, did you finish the calculus homework?" Alex asked me.

"Oh yeah," I said, reaching into my backpack, "Here."


Marinette's POV:

"Oh come on Marinette! It would look so cute on you!" Alya said to me, as I was staring at myself in the mirror.

We were at the mall, shopping for dresses for a party this weekend. Alya wanted to buy me something, but all the things I tried on were a bit too scandalous for me. What I was wearing right now was a navy blue dress that fit tightly around my curves, but had a short flowy skirt at the bottom. It was cute, but showed a lot of cleavage. 

"I don't know Alya, it just doesn't look right on me." I replied to her previous statement. To be honest I really liked the dress, but it was way too expensive. I didn't want Alya wasting her hard earned money on me.

"Girl! It looks gorgeous on you! I have to buy it for you!" She said. 

"No! Alya, it's 200 dollars. I can't have you spend that much on me!" I said running my hands along the fabric of the dress.

"That's too bad, because I'm buying it for you! Now go get changed, and give me the dress after." She said, while pushing me back into the dressing room. 

I took off the dress, and threw it over the door to Alya. She took it, and I assumed she went to go pay for it. I felt kind of bad for having her pay for it. I mean, she did insist so it shouldn't be a problem. I walked out of the dressing room, and met Alya by the entrance of the store.

"Do you want to go eat at the food court? I'll pay since you bought me the dress." I asked, and she handed me the bag. She as well had a bag that contained her dress. 

"Sure! I could use a mall pretzel right about now." She said with a small laugh.

As we made our way over the food court, I admired the beauty of the mall. I usually don't come here, but when I do I get reminded of how pretty it is. When we made it to the food court, we found a table to sit at and I went to get us some pretzels. When I came back, I spotted a certain blonde sitting at a table in the corner.

It was Adrien. He was with some of his friends, including my brother. They were laughing, probably about some dumb joke. I sat down at the table, still staring at Adrien. He stopped laughing, and opened his eyes. They landed on mine.

Those gorgeous green eyes, they looked so peaceful and calm. I don't know why I couldn't avert my attention from them. His mouth slowly formed a smirk, and I then darted my eyes back to Alya who was chewing on her food.


After a while of walking around the mall, Alya and I left. She dropped me off at my house, and I went to my room to do some homework. It took me almost two hours to finish because I kept getting distracted. 

It was those damn green eyes again. I kept pushing it aside, but I couldn't any longer. Something about them kept drawing me closer. I wanted to know more about those eyes, I wanted to stare at them for eternity. The face that caged them kept coming to my mind too. His hair falling perfectly on his forehead, and his jaw perfectly outlining his face.

Snap out of it Marinette!

He is your brother's bestfriend, you can't like him. Alex would hate you, and probably never want to see Adrien again. You need to keep your emotions in control.


How do you guys like it? I feel like I'm moving things too fast, but oh well! Please give me some ideas for the next chapters! I will start to be updating regularly.

(1134 words) 

My Brothers Best Friend ~ Adrienette AUWhere stories live. Discover now