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"WHAT THE FUCK IS LUCA LAURENT DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" I scream, my blood boiling.

Everyone is dead silent, anticipating what I'm going to do next. Everyone except Luca fucking Laurent, who has a smug smirk dancing on his lips. I narrow my eyes at him, an unspoken threat intended to intimidate him. A threat that he simply ignores.

"You know for someone who is regarded as the most dangerous and ruthless woman in the world you sure do like to have temper tantrums," he taunts, arms crossed.

Who does he think he is?

"Listen here, asshole." I speak with venom laced in my words despite our significant height difference. "Speak to me like that again, and you will soon find out that those are not just rumors."

"You know you're not as scary as you think," he retorts, seeming thoroughly amused. This only brought more rage into me.

"You know you're not as intimidating as you think," I snap.

"Yeah well your sports bra and sweatpants don't exactly scream 'dangerous' to me either." He provokes, putting air quotes around the word 'dangerous'.

I am suddenly very aware of my attire compared to his.

Before I could respond, and trust me, I was ready to respond, my father interrupts, "Enough."

I reluctantly snap my mouth shut and glare Luca straight in the eyes. "Explanation. Now." I hiss through gritted teeth, turning my attention to my father. My father does not like to be ordered but he knew better than to mess with me when I'm in this state.

"Yes well, you know how we need a different kind of expertise in order to fulfill our plan." My father starts cautiously.

"And what exactly is this plan you speak of?" I accuse angrily, crossing my arms and sucking my teeth.

"We need to strengthen our security system in general. But we also want something else. We want the hacking genius to come and work for us." My father explains.

"Okay," I say, taking in the information I was just given., while urging him to continue. "And what exactly is he doing here." I push, emphasizing more rage on the word 'he'.

"I'm here because your hacking friend Adrio or whatever the fuck his name is incompetent and is incapable of finding the boy." Luca says, interrupting the conversation.

"At least there's one thing we can agree on." I mumble. "Okay. And in return?" I challenge Luca.

Luca smirks. "You've been taught well Poison Ivy," he remarks.

I glance at my father and my heart swells at seeing the flash of pride in his eyes. Then I remember I have no clue what's going on right now, or if my family is in danger or not.

"That name is possibly the least original nickname I have ever heard," I say, my voice monotone, face neutral.

"And in return," my father interjects. "I owe him a favor."

"A what?!" I exclaim, turning my attention back to my father. "Give us a second alone." I tell everyone through gritted teeth, dragging my father to a nearby room.

"You know what favors mean Dad! It means he could ask you to kill your children for all we know, and you would have to do it!" I scold.

"Luca Laurent is a heartless man, but he plays by the rules. He will ask for a favor for himself. As in helping his mafia, no more than that." My father says, eyes showing me that this is not up for discussion.

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