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"Isabella's got the coordinates of where the phone came from."

My head snaps up from the computer, eyes strained from exhausting every single source in an attempt to find the 'Nightwalker's location.

He takes a seat next to me, a small crumpled piece of paper with numbers and capital letters scrawled across it next to him. I peer over to my side as he types said coordinates in, clicks 'enter', and a moment later watch as the screen zones in on a specific area, a red dot marking it.

"That's near us." I state, becoming somewhat confused at the coincidence.

He cocks his head to the side, stays silent for a moment. Then leaves the room. Just...leaves.

I hear the sound of a distant machine wirring for a few minutes, then hear it stop. He returns to the study with a piece of paper in hand, an image on it that I recognize all too well when he slaps it on the table.

The Ivanov heat patterns.

I look to him, seeing his eyes fixated on either the printed copy or the computer, then slowly averts his gaze to look at me. "Yep." He confirms, understanding the unspoken question. 

I look away from him and lean back in my chair, racking my mind for a plan. "This doesn't make any sense. Why would the Ivanovs attack and have a hit on you? And how would they know who Isabella is?"

He too leans back, the chair taking his weight but bouncing a little bit. He runs his hand along his jaw, back and forth. He places his elbows on the table in front of us, pushing himself back forward. "I don't know. But we can't wait around to find out. They're sloppy but powerful."

"We need to go soon." I say, running my hands through my hair again and looking up at the ceiling. I eye the clock, watching the second hand strike exactly 5:16 pm. This time difference is really fucking with me. "I'll go get ready." I mumble, rubbing my eyes and standing up from the chair, only to be shoved back on by two forceful hands.

"Yeah, no. That's not gonna work." His hands are placed firmly on each of my thighs, holding them in between his own legs, successfully pinning me down and preventing me from getting up.

I cross my arms and raise my brows. "And why not?"

My phone dings from the table, we both turn our heads to face it, finding a text message from my mother lit up on the screen. I click it warily, letting my entire message show up.

Mom: Merry Christmas Eve, Vivi :) missing you ;(

Luca looks at it then back at me. "That's why."

I scrunch my nose at him to show my distaste. "I don't do Christmas."

He scoffs. "Everyone "does Christmas." He puts air quotes around the last two words.

"That's not true." I state matter-of-factly, but he just rolls his eyes.

"You don't believe in God." He already counters my amazing point that people with other religions don't in fact celebrate Christmas. Fucking smartass.

"Maybe I do."

"You don't."

"How would you know that?"

"Do you believe in God?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "No." I mutter, avoiding his gaze but he doesn't seem to appreciate that, as a moment later he reaches down and grabs my ankles, pulling them up and towards him. He holds them at his hips and under the arms of the chair, pulling my seat until it knocks his.

"You're celebrating Christmas Eve, at least." He declares, leaning in and slowly pulling me closer to him.

"Why should I? I haven't since I was like five." My ass hits his knees, but doesn't stay there for long as Luca now lifts me right on top of him, legs dangling off the sides of the chair. I instantly latch on to his shoulders, balancing myself and letting out a quick yelp.

Luca LaurentWhere stories live. Discover now