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A/N: So super sorry for suchhh a late chapter! I had to get a new phone today because my other one was glitching really bad and I have no other devices :(
Posting a second update tomorrow!

Love you all and I hope you can understand <3

I grunt in reaction to the color change of my eyelids from a pure black to some mixture of orange and red. It's the fucking morning.

I flail my arms around on the mattress, patting around and smacking it with my eyes still closed, feeling for Luca. When I feel nothing but the comforter, I open one lid, in a forced winking expression, then the other, when I find he is sure enough, not in the bed.

I wallow in the bedsheets for a good few minutes, procrastinating getting out of bed and just stare out of the window, watching the never-ending snow fall, the wind violently shaking the trees.

But then my stomach grumbles, and I smell a whiff of various different foods. This gets me out of bed in a flash, only to realize that I am in fact, completely naked. I look around for my discarded clothes, ignoring the sharp pain in between my thighs while scurrying around, only to find out that they're all ripped, except my trousers and panties which are... sticky.

I come to the conclusion that my only choice is stealing some from one of Luca's suitcases, considering mine are still in the living room. While walking over to where he placed them, I hear faint talking coming from Luca's unmistakable deep voice, well, both his voice and another, more high-pitched one. Judging by the volume I can hear from all the way in the bedroom, he's probably in the kitchen.

I rummage through a random suitcase, the closest one to the bathroom, evidently the one with his pajamas as it's filled with t-shirts, boxers, pajama pants, hoodies, and so on.

Feeling the hair on my arms already standing up from the fucking freezing temperature of this house, I decide on some soft ling bottoms, which are black and have all different colored cats scattered all over them, much to my amusement, and a normal black hoodie.

I exit to room quietly, peering my neck, finding Luca shirtless and in the kitchen, all the different and equally as appetizing foods surrounding him. "I already told you, she's sleeping. I'm not waking her up." He grumbles, flipping eggs in a black pan while speaking.

"Okay bu-" The feminine voice goes to respond, familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. They come to a stop on their answer when I round on my heel into the kitchen, drawing Luca, and who I now know is Isabella's, attention, her heart-shaped face and identical gray eyes looking straight at me through the phone. I bet I look like a fucking dear caught in the headlights.

Then her face turns from annoyed, to surprised, to a grin, then an even more massive grin. Luca's gaze flickers between Isabella and I, before discreetly latching onto my waist with one arm and pulling me in front of the phone. Clearly it wasn't discreet enough though, as Isabella looks like the fucking Cheshire Cat right now.

"You're way out of my brother's league." She comments as if it's the most natural thing ever.

I nod. "That's true." Luca taps my ass at this, I pinch his arm in warning but thankfully Isabella doesn't see his action, considering she seems very preoccupied with painting her nails at the moment.

I can barely register his hot breath fanning against my ear before his next words come out in a hushed whisper. "It was my name you were screaming last night."

My mouth falls ajar at this, letting out a small "Mm." that's really just more of a whimper.

I choose not to risk a response and instead settle for a pointed look over my shoulder. "Okay. She's here now." Luca states, moving his attention back to his sister, trying to rush something from her.

Luca LaurentWhere stories live. Discover now