Chapter # 24 Date

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Sana's POV ***

"what about dinner?"jin follow me to the parking.

"next time jin. Today i have plan with my friend" i said. Since the time we started shooting he was annoying me.

"friend?? Who is that?" he ask me

"do i need to tell you all the details" i shout at him because im really getting angry to him.

"hey why you being soo mean to me. I just ask you" he grabbed my wrist hard and plull me to closer. Its really hurt

"it's hurt jin" i tried to take out my hand from him but he is soo strong.

"mm... Hey excuse me" i heard voice from behind me. We both look at back same was tzuyu. Jin immediately withdraw his hand. I touch my wrist its soo painful.

"tzuyu??" jin was surprised seeing tzuyu here

"oh hey jin..." they greet each to other

"you have also shoot here??" jin ask

"no actually i came to pick up sana" Tzuyu said. Jin look at me with big eyes.

"soo tzuyu is the one you told me that your friend?" jin ask me i just node. He smirk that smirk is creepy.

"is there any problem with that jin?" tzuyu ask him.

"no of course no" jin said and shake his both hands as no.

"soo are ready?" tzuyu ask me i smile at her.

"soo see you around jin" tzuyu said. She hold my hand and walk to her car. I didn't even dare to look back  at him again, He hurt me.

Tzuyu's POV*

"are you okey?" i ask her i saw her wrist is pinkish. Looks like that bastard grabbed her wrist soo tight

"ohh??... Mm" i replied her. Before i start the engine i hold her wrist and check.

"it's looks bad sana" she immediately take back her hand from me.

"i told you im okey" she shout at me.

"is everything good with you guys?" what a stupid question. She didn't even look at me.

She just stare outside from the car. I just sigh and start driving. Looks like ahe is not in good mood. Soo better keep quiet.

Dinner was suck. She didn't talk about her day, her work nothing just ahhh. What should i do?

"i will use restroom first" she said and stand before i say anything. I paid our bill and followed her to restroom.

When i go inside she was putting some ointment on her wrist. I just lean back to the wall while crossing my arms.

I just sigh looking at her. She is being soo stubborn. I ask her earlier and she said there nothing. Finally she saw me from the mirror.

She didn't say anything she just continue what she was doing. Whats going on? I move near to her. Stand behind her.

She didn't move at all. Im scared but i wrap my arms around her waist.

"what's wrong?? Did i make you mad?" i ask she shake her head as no.

"then...??? Then why you looks soo mad??" i ask she sigh.

"i don't know also" she said.. What?? She doesn't know the reason also??

"you have period??" this is my last hope. She nodded as yes. Ohh i feel relax now. Soo that's why she is being like this. And that's why her wrist get looks bad too much.

"im sorry" she said

"why sorry?" i ask even though im sad because of her behavior earlier i can't be angry to her. Because i know the reason why she was like that. It's normal, she is human too..

"because i saw you didn't enjoy the dinner. You were just staring at me"

"you saw??"

"of course i saw"

"then??" i whisper to her she was shiver.

"nothing i was just feeling uncomfortable" she said look down. I just tighten our hug i kiss her nape. She close her eyes tightly i saw it from the mirror.

it makes me laugh. I just blow some air on  her ear. She slapped my arm

"auch.. Its hurt" it didn't hurts but i just make drama you know. She turned around immediately to face me and grabbed my arm.

"hurt??" i just laughed and shake my head as no. This time she hit me hard on my shoulder.

"auch this time really it's hurt" i said she laugh. And then suddenly she hold her stomach. Ahh i know.. It's because of her period.


Hehe another update guys. I really don't know what to write. Sorry i took long time to update

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