Chapter# 28 Run Away

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Tzuyu's POV ***

"hey.. Are you okey??" i ask sana because she was just looking outside from the balcony blankly

"ohh... Yea" she said but i can see she is lying.

"don't lie, something happened??" i ask again she just shake her head as no and walk inside. What's wrong now. I bring her here to enjoy but she isn't in mood

"did i do something wrong to you mm?" i ask her while holding her wrist. She slap my hand

"let's me be alone for a while. Please don't follow me"she said and leave me dumbfounded.

" what the fucking wrong with you sana? Why can't you just answer to me"i shout while she just ignored me and walked away. Ahh what's wrong with her what got in to her?

We are just walking with the group. Sana still didn't talk to me. And this situation makes me crazy.

I never got ignored by anyone. Im the one who will be ignore ahhh. I wanna go near to her and hold hand.

I bring her here soo that i can spend my time with her. I wanna get closer to her. But looks like its not gonna happen this time.

"hey you looks soo down" chaeyoung ask me while hitting my shoulder.

"i don't know what the fuck is happening" i whisper angrily enough for her to hear.

"hey hey cool down dude, what happened?" she ask and hold my writ. I stop she stop also.

"you know i don't have feelings to enjoy chaeng i will go back to the room. I don't have apatite to eat"
I said

"are you sure about it?" she ask me i just nodded and walk back to the Chaeyoung's guest house. I didn't even look back. I don't wanna see her now. I don't understand her at all.

Why she need to be mad at me. If i did something wrong she should tell me. Soo that i know what i should do.

Sana's POV ***

I've been ignoring tzuyu because i feel im falling for her. What about jin? I gave him hopes already and tzuyu is making butterflies in my stomach. I can't bear with this.

I just join with jeongyeon and nayeon leaving tzuyu behind. But when im looking for her she wasn't there anymore.

I just saw mina and chaeyoung holding hands. What happened to tzuyu?

"mina where is tzuyu?" i ask

"ohh she went back. She said that she don't have apatite" chaeyoung said. Ohh soo she went back i know she is not in mood she even shout at me. But what can i do.

We eat some street food since mina was craving for it. It was nice. Tzuyu didn't get chance to taste it. Maybe i can talk to her when i back.

Ahh how i will explain to her about my situation? I know she will never understand about my situation. Because i saw how bold she was past few days.

Even when she kissed me i can't resist. I just i don't know im in the middle of this two. I can't date tzuyu because im dating jin and jin is a kind of bold guy too.

I don't know what he will do to tzuyu if he will learn about the things between us. Im stuck right now.. It's all Tzuyu's fault.

She makes me fall for her. Anyone will fall for her kindness.

When we reached mansion i couldn't find tzuyu. Since everyone went back to their rooms i did the same..

There she is holding a vodka bottle. Oh no this is not a good sign. She is not good with alcohol and now ahh. Is she insane?

"tzuyu what are you doing? Give it to me"i tried to snatch the bottle from her but it wasn't successful.

" leave "she said and Stand. She walk to the balcony. I just let her. Maybe she need some privacy.. Since i came from outside i took quick shower.

When i came outside i saw tzuyu was sitting on the floor while hugging her knees. I immediately ran to her and kneel in front of her.

I hold her shoulder

"tzuyu tzuyu" i tap her shoulder she look at me this time with puffy eyes. Did she cried? Oh god what i have done to her.

"hey her why you crying mm?? Please please im sorry im sorry tzuyu please" i hold her both cheeks. When she started crying again. I hug her to comfort her.

"what did i do to you?" she ask i didn't reply her. Whatbi will tell her. She didn't don't anything. Its just im being soo confuse and stubborn.

How could i tell her that im being confused with our relationship. How can i tell her that i like her too. I know probably she will tell me that break up with jin.

But it's not easy thing since he is kind a ego guy. He is too much about her image. I know that's why her start dating me.

But he was good to me anyway. But how could i tell her. It's my fault im the one who gave her hopes.

"you did nothing tzuyu. It's all my fault" that's what came out from my mouth.

"tell me why.. Tell me why i can't have a chance, tell me why you can't be mine.. Tell me how can i makes you mine? Im being crazy because of you sana. I can't do this. It's soo hurts. Here its soo hurts" she said pointing her heart. She talk straight without hiccup.

"tzuyu you know that im with ji"

"leave him.. I know he likes you because of your body. I know that bastar. He will use you then he will leave you. He will get what he need then when he doesn't like he will throw you like garbage" she said

"tzuyu enough i will manage my problems. Leave it. I don't wanna hear anything. And u know he isn't like that. He is a gentleman and kind guy" i shout at her. She is being rude. I stand up feom the floor. The she stand up too

"im doing this all for your good sana. He is not a good guy. He will use you. I don't want that happen to you. Because i love you. I don't want you to suffer" she said and hold my hand. I tried to take my hand back but she is soo strong.

"tzuyu leave me. You are drunk let's talk when you sober" i tried to get away from her but im failed. She push me to the bed.

I fall and she is above me. Im keep trying to get away from her embrace but i can't. She lean and try to kiss me but i don't let her.

I turn my head side. I didn't have her access to kiss me. She hole my both hands and lock it above my head. Then she roughly kiss my neck, javelin, earlobe.

She is controlling me. I can't do this. I admit that we kissed and i have feelings for her. But this is wrong. I don't know what's going on. I can't do this anymore.

I kick her stomach from my knee. She immediately get away from me and fall on the floor. I took chance to get out from the room.

I immediately grabbed my wallet and mobile then ran out. Luckily i didn't saw any of our friends out.


Sorry guys im being late to update. I hope you guys will understand me 😘😘😘

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