Chapter # 26 Sweet

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Sana's POV ***

"sana" she called me in a sweet tone.i just look down

"hey.. Sana look at me" she call out again. This time she hold my chin and make face her

Our eyes met. There is no words. It's just silence between us.

"you are blushing" she said and then she chuckled.

I stay quiet trying to calm down. She lean close to me and start kissing then sucking my neck.

I didn't even allow her to do this things to me but still i can't say anything to her too. What's going on.

Really how could i control also when ahe ia being like this. She is always doing something that i will be fall for her. Because of this things i don't have feelings about jin now. 

She stop  teasing my neck and she grabbed my arms and then wrap it around her. Then she kiss me. I was just i don't know.

We kiss already but all the time it was like first time. She is just being soo gentle to me. Soo this time i replied her. I let her to enter to my mouth.

We break the kiss because we are out of oxygen. She look down at me since im shorter than her a bit. Then gently caress my  cheek.

"i feel like you falling for me" she said

"who said?" i ask and remove her hand from me.

"why?? Then why you let me kiss?? And what about yesterday night??"

"i need to go home" i turned and walked to living room to take my handbag. But she follow me and grabbed my wrist.

"can't you stay here today? I will not ask anything mm"

"no.. I should go" when i said that i saw disappointment in her face.but today i can't stay i don't know what will happen and today my situation also not good.

"next time tzuyu not today please try to understand"

"okey... I understand can i drop you at least?" she ask i don't wanna refuse her offer. I nodded ad okay. She immediately ran to her room and wear her coat and came back.

"let's go"she said holding my hand. I just smile while looking at our intertwined hands. Anyone can fall for her. She is soo caring.

Tzuyu is Elegant, gorgeous, cute she is just perfect woman.. But i don't know why she fall for me. I did nothing but ahh...

What if this will end same what happened to me and dahyun. After all im the one who got hurt. Im okey with getting hurt but im scared to hurt her.

She is soo precious. She care about me  lot, a lot. My inner mind is telling me always to give her chance but i don't know.

Because what about jin? We are already in relationship and most of the people knows our relationship. What if it will effect to tzuyu.


"mm sana" she spoke while focusing on the road. She is driving

"mm" i look at her.

"are you free next weekend??" she ask me. I took out my mobile and check if i have any appointments or not. Ohh and there is

"i have an appointment on Thursday morning.. Why?"

"ohhh actually chaeyoung is planning to take short vacation"she said

" ohhh good.. And then "

" then she ask me if i can come join "

" soo you can join then right. I don't think you have work in the weekend. Even now you don't have work see always just rounding rounding" when i said that she look at me while pouting

"i don't go for rounding rounding. I just came to see you. And i don't wanna go alone i wanna go with you. Because chaeyoung will go with mina"she said i chuckled seeing her cuteness.

" ohhh friends friends "

" they are not friends. They are dating "

" really???? Son chaeyoung is  a girl??"

"mm she is.." she said and focus on road again

"soo why you want me to go with you?" i ask.. I just wanna teas her

"okey then no need i will not ask you again" she said. Looks like i make her mad.

After this conversation she didn't talked to me until we reached my apartment. She dropped me in front of my building.

She didn't get down to open the door for me. Looks like she ia really mad to me this time. I just smirk and get down.

Before she starts driving i knock her window. Ahe rolled her window and look at me. I immediately gave her peck on her lip.

"i will come with you" i said. When i said that she immediately remove her seat belt and get down from the car. She stand in front of me.

"can i have a proper one mm??" she pout. She is really crazy. She came near to me and try to kiss me.

"what's wrong with you" i said and push her and i ran inside the building. Before i enter the elevator i look back.

She is still standing there and looking at me. I just wave at her. Finally she smile at me and wave

******to be continue guys *******

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