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Both of them walked at the hallway, finding Mr. Barry everywhere. "Check every classroom, let's separate." Lester said, marching at the other way. He couldn't believe to himself that he made this mission successful at the very first start. He would just literally quit the mission. As he turned to right, he heard faint noises. This part of the building was abandoned, surely no one can enter here except the teachers. "I'll take it bro." It was Barry, talking to someone. He held something on his hand, a small box with a white plastic on it.

"Good, now off you go... We still have a class. Have fun with it." Then he left Barry alone. Barry hid the box inside of his pocket, he walked towards the direction to where was Lester hiding and eavesdropping. Lester then showed up, which made Barry shock. "Hello there Mr. Barry. What kind of business you had you two? Hm?" Lester smirked, eyeing his pocket. "I... Um.. We have a schedule for a tutorial later. And we planned it."

"Why here?"

"Because It's private."

"what kind of tutorial?"

"I'm sorry Sir Evans but... It was a private matter."

"Then you lead me no choice then" Lester punched him right at the face. He felt guilty as he punched his student

. Barry was unconscious at the ground. Lester carried him all the way to his jag. And put him in the trunk with a duck tape on his mouth, just in case if he scream when he was now conscious.

Lester went back inside, finding Luke everywhere. They have to go, as fast as they can. Lester did make sure no one can hear Barry at the trunk. Before Barry will wake up, they must move right away.

"Bingo, let's go... We'll send him to Flynn." Lester said to Luke. They arrived at Flynn's early, his house was quite pretty big and it has a lot of securities—of course. "What do we got here." Flynn said, gazing at Barry.

"I'm pretty sure he has something to say when he wake up. Oh yeah..." Lester shoved his hand in his pocket to get the small box

"Students, were also involved." He said, tossing to Flynn.  Flynn nodded in satisfaction, they're doing great this time, surprisingly. "Good job Agents, so... If this kid woke up, ask him some details. And don't let him escape, we will lock him up until this mission is over." Both of them nodded, and sit back at the chair. Suddenly, Luke received a missed call from Mr. Kingsley. Luke was quite nervous, but he insisted to call back.

"Where the hell are you?! And also Lester!!" Kingsley yelled over the phone.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kingsley, but we are in an emergency right now. But we promise that tomorrow, we'll b there for the whole day." After his articulation, everything went silent over the phone, and it suddenly just ended the phone call. Luke was expecting his yell over the phone, but it went silent.

Barry woke up, feeling dizzy. He then remembered what happened to him. "Mr. Evans!! Let me go!!"

He yelled, trying to break free from the ropes. But it was pretty hard to.

"And why would I?" Lester replied, his voice became dark and evil, and all of a sudden, he sneezed. Which made Luke laugh so hard. Lester felt awkward, but Luke's laugh was infectious, so he laughed as well. "If only you can see your own face." Luke said between his laughs.

"Do you think this is funny?! Let me go!!" Lester jerked his head towards Barry, which made Barry jumped a little. Lester's face became dead serious, like he was craving to kill Barry. "Do you think all you did was fun?! Huh?!! Sniffing cocaine, and drugs? What happened to you!?! So tell me, who's the dealer? You have ten seconds to answer before I sabotage you."

Barry gulped, but he was tough. He was willing to take the pain. So— "Go ahead! Sabotage me, kill me! You'll never know!" Lester smirked, as he walk towards him slowly. He quickly slapped him across the face, which made Barry winced in pain.

"And you'll never go." He said, shoving his hands back on his pocket.

Lester dragged him somewhere, it was dark and dirty. And it was pretty disgusting and smelly. "You stay here, and be aware young man... You'll be executed." Lester closed the door shut. He was never a brutal person, although he did what has to be done. And as an agent, you should be unmerciful to your enemies.

He then walk towards Flynn. "Flynn, why us? Why the hell us? We aren't professional agent! Look, I'm not used to this alright?"

"Because you were trained by madame Lily. And she can see your intelligence Lester. And you, Luke. She can see that you're a great shooter. Believe me, you have everything, you have all the qualifications as an agent. Yet you're just quite idiot." Flynn said, frankly.

The two went silent. 'And why is that? Madame Lily has a great security. She's not that easy to be kidnapped. Maybe the securities!!' Lester thought. He stood up from his seat, and walk pass by Luke who's staring at him in awe. "I think Sherlock got a clever plan." Luke said, clasping his hands together in amusement.

"Didn't you get it? Madame Lily was fully secured, and no one can enter her house except us or either her relatives, or the securities. I doubt it was the securities." Luke became serious this time, there's no time to make fun of Lester.

"Great, we'll investigate her house. Let's take a move then. And Flynn? Make sure the kid is safe and don't let him escape." Luke stood up, shoving his hands on his pocket. He was really confused right now, the drug ring at the school, the fraternity and madame Lily. But something's wrong.

"Alright, let's go."

Madame Lily's house was already abandoned. No securities around, but only cameras.

"Since when she was kidnapped Lester?"

"Last month."

"Last month?!? Really??!!"

"Yep, and I was wondering about it, they're pretty late to inform us. You think we could figure this out soon?!"

"Yeah, just think positive. We went this far right now."

Both of them hopped out of the car, gazing every corner of the place. The wind was starting to blow widely, and tress were swaying and dancing. For sure, there was a storm coming.

Lester was wondering why the gate was open, ajar.

They entered, leaves were at the ground, and some of it are wet.

"I'll go with the second floor, you at the ground and basement." Luke stated, and walk towards the door. As they entered, the house was clean and tidy. There's no tracks or either clues.

"Wow... It's still clean isn't? Let's do this."

both of them separate, Luke at the second floor, while Lester at the ground and basement. Surprisingly, Every door was not lock. And lights were still on. Someone's here all the time. Or it was just Madame Lily's butler.

Lester, in the other hand was quite cozy. Everything seems nice and clean. No trash at all, except Madame Lily's office. As he entered, everything was scattered, everything was destroyed. Papers were scattered.

"Holy cow... Luke!!" Lester called. Luke went down stairs and sprinted

towards the office.

"What an actual hell—Better call Flynn." As Luke called Flynn over the phone, Lester collected all the papers and he read a couple of it.

It was all just a paper work. Until he noticed something strange red spot at the paper.

"Do you think this is blood?? It was still wet" Lester said, as he point the paper ahead of him.

"Before that, let's go back to Flynn's." Lester nodded.

'I hope she is safe.' Lester thought.

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