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Brie's pov

A few weeks after the fight with Hunter Vince saw it wasn't Roman's fault and the Nikki and Roman storyline was scrapped and Roman was free from the authority and we were free to be together Roman,me and the gang moved to RAW for a fresh start,but right now I'm with Roman and Joelle as Roman decided to bring me to his and Joelle's Home

"Hey babyyy"Roman said as he opened the door

"Daddyyyy!"she shouted as she ran over to Roman lifting her arms up so Roman could lift her up

He picked Joelle up

"Hey baby you been ok?"he asked

"Yes daddy I missed you and BB"she said

"We missed you too sweetie"I said

"Where's Nana Joelle?"He asked

"I don't know daddy she left about 5 minutes ago"she said

"Ok sweetie"he said

"Joelle should we go play while daddy puts his bags away?"I asked

"BB you wanna play with me?Your too cool to play with me"she said sadly

"Noo Jo-Jo your cooler than me come on sweetie"I said as I took her hand and she lead me to her Room

"Noo Jo-Jo your cooler than me come on sweetie"I said as I took her hand and she lead me to her Room

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"Whoa Joelle you have a beautiful room"I said

"Really? daddy made it all"she said

"What daddy designed it all?"I asked

"Yes he sat for hours doing it for me he even let me paint with him"she said happily

"You love your daddy don't you sweetie"I said

"BB daddy has went through a lot and even when he is not happy he is still the most amazing daddy ever. Me is so lucky to have my daddy he is dah best!"she said

I smiled at Joelle

"Yes your daddy is amazing and he is a beautiful man with a gorgeous soul"I said

"BB please don't hurt my daddy he loves you with all his heart like me"she told me

"I love your father more than anything Joelle that is the last thing I would wanna do to him. I wouldn't wanna lose him he is my happiness"I admitted

"Thank you BB I just don't want daddy to be hurt again he was so sad when momma died I just want daddy to be happy forever"

"I'll try my best for you"I smiled

"Thank you BB"

"What are my girls up to?"Roman asked

"I was showing BB my room daddy"Joelle said

"Ahh you like it?"he said turning towards me

"My Ro is very artistic just like he was in high"I smiled at him

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