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The wedding

I woke up shitting myself the woman of my dreams is gonna become my wife. Holy shit MY WIFE.MY GODAMN WIFE HOLY SHITT AHHHHHH. I got up and got did my morning routine Brie wasn't with me because her and Joelle need to get ready and like tradition I wasn't allowed to see her in her dress. I missed her it was me Seth and Dean. It was mainly our friends from WWE and some family but me and Brie aren't close with much of our family. From my Family it was my mother and Uncle AFA along with Jimmy and Jey. Tamina and Naomi. From Brie's it was Nikki her mother her brother and her Dad. Yep her Dad I had his consent to marry Brie but we haven't really had a good conversation so I'm scared he will murder me but still.

"Uce let's get ready"Seth called out

"5 more minutes"I said back

"Bro you said that an hour ago you don't need to be nervous your marrying Brianna so what's there got to be nerves about?"

"What if I don't look good enough what if she doesn't want to marry me anymore what if-"

"Will you shut up"Seth said to me

"Look that girl fucking adores you uce if she didn't want to marry ya she'd of said no or not yet she loves you man stop
Panicking"Dean said

"You right you right ok ok chill Roman breathe"I said trying to hype myself up

"You'll be fineee"Seth said rubbing my back before walking off

I took a deep breath and walked out the room to the kitchen to eat breakfast before getting ready.

I called Brie before I got ready I missed her voice,her kisses,hugs everything even her smell Ugh I can't do this I need her here right now. No Roman your marrying her relax you'll see her soon and you'll get your wish her in a white meeting me at the altar. Oh God I'm marrying her IM MARRYING HER HOLY HOLY IM MARRYING MY BESTIE. OMGGG

"Hey baby"She said through the phone

"Hey gorgeous"I said smiling she looked so beautiful I blew a kiss through the phone to her. She blushed and blew one back.

"I miss you so much Superman"She said with a sad look on her face

"Baby you'll see me soon I miss you so much too. I love you so much baby"

"I love you too my Anoa'i"

"My Anoa'i in a few hours"I said with a smirk

"Shhhh"She said giggling

"Baby I'll see you soon"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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